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This Is What Can Be Done To Prevent Panggul Infectious Diseases

This Is What Can Be Done To Prevent Panggul Infectious Diseases

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Inflammatory disease is an infection that can attack the female reproductive organs. Symptoms are often not realized until you have difficulty getting pregnant or experience chronic pelvic pain. What can be done to prevent it? 

Know What Panggul Infectious Diseases Are And Symptoms 

Hymptophygics disease or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is an infection that occurs in the upper female reproductive organs. These infections often attack the uterus, ovaries (egg eggs) and tuba channels. 
When infected with PID, you may feel mild or no symptoms. Generally, PID is only known when you complain of pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis, abnormal whiteness or difficulty getting pregnant. 
Symptoms that may arise when experiencing PID include:
  • Mild to severe pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis.
  • Irregular or heavy whiteness, has a yellow or greenish color and can smell unpleasant.
  • Unusual bleeding, especially during or after sex, or between periods of menstruation.
  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Fever that is sometimes accompanied by chills.
  • Having difficulty or pain when urinating.
  • Nausea vomiting.

Also read: Panggul Infectious Diseases - Definition, Cause And Risk Factors.


Is Panggul Infectious Disease Hazardous?

Inflammatory diseases can not only interfere with pregnancy. If not treated, pneumonia can cause health problems such as the emergence of scar tissue or abscess (pun bag). This condition can cause permanent damage to the reproductive organs.
When the infection spreads to other parts of the body, you may experience chronic pain in the lower abdomen and infertility. In addition, the risk of pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus also increases with this disease. This is dangerous and can threaten the mother's life.
Extortion can be treated. The sooner the treatment is carried out, the risk of severe damage can be prevented. 

Preventing Panggul Infectious Diseases 

Hyperinflammatory disease can attack anyone who is sexually active, and likes to change sex partners. The risk of disease also increases if you have been infected with sexually transmitted diseases and do not treat them. 
However, preventing is better than cure. To prevent pneumonia, you can do the following: 

Having safe sex 

Limit intimate relationships to just one partner, and make sure that he and you don't have sexually transmitted infections. To make sure that sex is really safe is by using condoms. 
Condoms protect against certain infections such as herpes, climia, and gonore which increases the risk of pelvic inflammation.

Undergoing routine tests 

Because sexually transmitted infections sometimes do not realize their initial symptoms, you and your partner need to do routine tests. Routine tests can detect sexually transmitted infections early so that treatment can be given before infection develops. Routine HIV examinations also need to be carried out if you are sexually active. 

Avoiding practice doodle 

Sluggish comes from French which means washing or soaking. Sluggish or douching is the practice of washing the vagina which is usually done with a mixture of water and vinegar or liquid that can be purchased at a drug store or supermarket.
How to do doodle is by inserting a bottle head or spraying liquid into the vagina. This practice is done to maintain vaginal hygiene. 
Unfortunately, practice doodle risk disrupting the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. This vaginal environmental change triggers the growth of bacteria that cause infection in the vagina. 
People who practice often doodle it is more at risk of developing bacterial vaginosis due to the balance of bacteria in the vagina being disturbed, causing irritation and inflammation in the vagina. Sluggish also increases the risk of pneumonia.  
In addition to doing the above, to avoid complications of pneumonia, immediately go to the doctor if you experience the symptoms above. 

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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Hanifa Rahma
Last Updated : Saturday, 15 April 2023 | 17:34