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Toksoplasmosis is a disease caused by parasitic infection Toxoplasma gondyi (T. gondyi). This parasite breeds in the cat's intestines. Humans are infected through direct or indirect contact with cat droppings or by eating undercooked meat.

Toxoplasmos can infect anyone, and most people have no symptoms when infected. The body usually fights parasites without you realizing it. Toxoplasmos are most harmful to pregnancy and for those with weakened immune systems, such as people suffering from HIV or cancer.

Although parasitic toxoplasmosis requires cats to reproduce, raising cats does not significantly increase the risk of toxoplasmosic infection. You can swallow T. gondyi accidentally after coming into contact with something contaminated, such as:

  • Cleaning the cat impurity box
  • Gardening on the ground where cats live
  • Drinking water that has not been boiled or processed
  • Eat un washed fruit or vegetables
  • Eating meat that is not cooked or not cooled properly

Toxoplasmosis is not contagious, but pregnant women can transmit the parasite to the fetus. You can also be exposed to to toxosoplasmos after receiving an organ transplant or infected blood transfusion, although this is rare.



Toksoplasmosis is caused by parasitic infection T. gondii. Humans are exposed to to toxoplasmos after accidentally eating or swallowing something contaminated with the parasite.

Because of the way parasitics hide in your body, you can experience symptoms of toxoplasmosism when you are first infected or at other times. When a parasite initially enters the body, some people experience flu-like symptoms. But in many cases, the immune system can get rid of early infections without causing any symptoms.

When immune cells fight it, T. gondii makes small bags (kistas) in your body. The parasite can live in this cyst, and is inactive for a long period of time. Research shows that the cyst breaks regularly. Like early infections, this usually does not cause symptoms.

However, if your immune system weakens, this broken cyst could cause a new case of toxoplasmosis or known as reactivation.


Risk Factors

These parasites are found all over the world and anyone can be infected. The risk of serious illness due to to toxoplasmos includes things that prevent the immune system from fighting infection, such as:

  • HIV/AIDS Infection
  • Treatment of chemotherapy for cancer
  • The use of high-dose steroids



Symptoms of toxoplasmos depend on where the parasite is active and tend to differ depending on whether it is a new (acute) infection, reactivation or emerges at birth (consenital).

Symptoms of ocular toxoplasmosism (eye-toxoplasmosism)

Toksoplasmosis ocular is an infection of T. gondii in one or both eyes. This condition is most common in adolescents or young adults born with T. gondii infection. It is rare for cases of octular toxoplasmos to appear when you are first infected with T. gondii. Symptoms of ocular toxoplasmosis include:

  • Eye pain
  • Escaped vision
  • Blindness

Symptoms of acute toxoplasmosism

Acute toxoplasmosis is your body's response to early infections of T. gondii. Most people don't feel sick, but you may experience flu-like symptoms, including:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Swelling of lymph nodes that do not pain in the neck or armpits
  • Sore throat
  • Pusiness of the liver and runoff (hepatosplenomegali)
  • Toksoplassmosis okular (barang)

Symptoms of re-active toxoplasmosism (reactivation)

If you have a weak immune system (immunocompromised), you may have had an infection T. Gondii before which were active again when the body was no longer able to fight infection easily. For example, AIDS sufferers, cancer or those who use drugs that suppress the immune system. A re-active toksoplasmosism usually causes symptoms related to the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system or SSP). These symptoms can include:

  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Kejang
  • Fever
  • Facial paralysis
  • Changes in sight
  • Vulnerable
  • Weakness or loss of motor skills

Congenital toxoplasmos

Congenital toxoplasmosis (appearing at birth) is transmitted from pregnant to fetal. Some babies do not have any symptoms at birth, but are at high risk of appearing in the future. These symptoms may include:

  • Yellow skin and eyes
  • Ruam kulit
  • Pusiness of the liver and runoff (hepatosplenomegali)
  • Loss of sight, eye pain or sensitivity to light (retinochoroiditis)
  • The accumulation of calcium in the brain
  • Fluid in the brain (hydrocephalus)
  • Small head size (microsefali)
  • Kejang
  • Delayed in motor skills development
  • Learning delays or differences
  • Toksoplassmosis okular


If you want to know more about the microcephalia, you can read it here: Microcephali - Definition, Cause, Symptom, And Treatment



Diagnosis toksoplasmosis will depend on anamnesis, physical examination, and supporting examination. Supporting examinations carried out can be in the form of blood tests to check antibody levels in the blood, eye examinations, MRI, CT scans, and ultrasound in pregnant women.


Laksana Procedure

The use of drugs is given to treat active infections. The dose and period of time you take drugs depends on different factors. This includes the severity of the disease, health conditions and the immune system. In pregnant women, pregnancy age also affects treatment. These drugs include:

  • Pirimetamine to fight infection caused by microscopic organisms. This drug can hinder the use of folic acid by the body. Other possible side effects with long-term use include bone cord compression and heart toxicity
  • Calcium leucovin helps improve pyrometamic effects in folic acid activity
  • Sulfadiazin, antibiotics that are often prescribed with priIMetamine. Other drugs include klindamisin, azithromycin, and others.


Also read: Drug Azithromisin - How To Work, Contraindication And Drug Interaction


Care for babies

Care for babies can last 1 to 2 years. Regular and frequent control is needed to see side effects, visual problems, and physical and intellectual development, overall.

Additional care for eye disease

In addition to regular treatment, eye disease can also be treated with anti-inflammatory steroids called glukorticosteroids.



The complications of toxoplasmos, among others:

  • Encephalitis toxoplasmosis
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Behavioral disorders
  • Cysts in the brain
  • Infertility
  • Disorders of brain development and intelligence


Also read: Encephalitis - Definition, Cause, Symptom, And Treatment



Preparations for safe food and washing hands are the most important thing you can do to help prevent toxoplasmos.

  • Follow the safe ways of freezing and cooking before eating meat
  • Peel fruit and vegetables or clean wash before eating
  • Wash the talent, counter, equipment and plates with soapy water after use
  • Don't drink unpasteurized milk
  • Don't eat shells, cucumbers, or raw or undercooked remissions
  • Don't drink unprocessed water
  • Wear gloves while gardening and while working with soil or sand, wash your hands with soap and water afterward.
  • Cover the outdoor sandbox
  • Don't feed raw or half cooked meat cats
  • Change the cat's impurity box every day. Wear gloves and wash your hands with soap and water afterwards


When Do You Have To Go To A Doctor?

Immediately go to a health care provider to do a test if you are worried about exposure from parasitic T. Gondii. If you plan a pregnancy or are pregnant, immediately find your health service provider if you suspect exposure even if there are no symptoms.

Symptoms of severe toxoplasmos include blurred vision, confusion, and loss of coordination requiring immediate medical treatment.


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Writer : dr Lovira Ai Care
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Sunday, 16 April 2023 | 17:42