Using and Reading Pulse Oximeters: What You Need to Knoe

Using and Reading Pulse Oximeters: What You Need to Knoe

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Pulse oximeter is a device used to measure oxygen levels in the blood. This noninvasive test only needs to be placed on the fingertip, then a light sensor passing through the skin will measure how much oxygen is in the red blood cells of the arterial blood vessels.

Having excessively low oxygen levels in the blood indicates a problem with the respiratory system or blood circulation. This test can help doctors evaluate lung and heart performance and ensure that the body is receiving an adequate supply of oxygen. In addition, this information is useful to know if a person needs supplemental oxygen.


How to Read an Oximeter

Using the oximeter is quite easy, simply remove any jewelry or nail polish that may interfere with the readings. Also, make sure the hand is warm, relaxed, and positioned below the heart.


  • Attach the oximeter to your finger or toe, and place the device in a comfortable position during the measurement.
  • Turn on the device and let it take measurements for a few seconds to a minute, it will display the pulse rate and the oxygen level in the blood (oxygen saturation).
  • After measurement, the oximeter can be removed.


Read more: Benarkah Cat Kuku Menyebabkan Pembacaan Oximeter Tidak Akurat?


How to Read Numbers on an Oximeter

The number on the oximeter is not the same for everyone. Underlying health conditions can affect your oxygen saturation and pulse rate.

Here is the interpretation of the oximeter readings:

  • Oxygen saturation (SpO2) of 95–100% with a pulse rate of 60–100 beats per minute means normal.
  • Oxygen saturation (SpO2) of 95% with a pulse rate of 101–109 beats per minute means that saturation is normal and there is an increase in pulse rate, which can be monitored according to the condition.
  • Oxygen saturation (SpO2) of 93–94% with a pulse rate of 110–130 means that there is a decrease in oxygen levels and an increase in pulse rate. You need to see a doctor.
  • Oxygen saturation (SpO2) of 92% or lower with a pulse rate of 131 or higher can indicate low oxygen levels in the blood; you need immediate medical attention at the hospital.

Read more: Ciri Saturasi Oksigen Rendah pada Pasien Isolasi Mandiri COVID-19 yang Perlu Diketahui


When is it Necessary to See a Doctor?

A normal saturation level is between 95 and 100%. Low oxygen saturation in the blood can be a serious health problem called hypoxia. Hypoxia means there is a decrease in oxygen in your body's tissues, which can cause a variety of symptoms.

There are some body tissues that can temporarily adapt to decreased oxygen levels. But if left unchecked, this condition can cause organ damage. Lack of oxygen, especially to the brain and heart, can be dangerous and can lead to death.

In addition to an oxygen saturation reading of 92% or below, you should seek emergency medical attention immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms: headache, confusion, anxiety, irregular pulse, rapid or labored breathing, or the skin color of your nails and lips turning bluish.


You can also use the health consultation service with your doctor if you are confused about the results of your oximeter reading by downloading the Ai Care app from the App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Agatha Writer
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Last Updated : Friday, 8 March 2024 | 07:00

Stephanie Watson (2023). What Is Pulse Oximetry?. Available from: 

Lauren Evoy Davis (2023). How to Use a Pulse Oximeter to Check Oxygen Saturation Levels. Available from: 

Ana Gotter (2023). Pulse Oximetry: Purpose, Uses, and How to Take a Reading. Available from: 

Karthik Kumar, MBBS. What Are the Benefits of Pulse Oximetry?. Available from: 

Cleveland Clinic (2022). Hypoxia. Available from: