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Self-Diagnosis: What You Need to Be Aware Of

Self-Diagnosis: What You Need to Be Aware Of

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Nowadays, more people are using the internet to find health, housing, career, and travel information. The internet provides complete health information, from symptoms to causes to treatment and prevention.

The internet can help you understand a disease or condition, but self-diagnosis can be harmful and inaccurate. If you have any concerns about symptoms related to specific diseases, it is important to seek medical advice and see a doctor.


The dangers of self-diagnosis

In this digital era, self-diagnosis of diseases has become more popular. It is undeniable that medical information is now widely available on the internet and reliable. However, despite the convenience and accessibility of this information, there are significant risks that must be focused on before self-diagnosing a disease, including:

Diagnostic uncertainty

Self-diagnosis might cause health uncertainty. However, various diseases have identical symptoms but different causes. This takes medical understanding to avoid misdiagnosis. Indeed, in order to determine the underlying cause, several types of physical examinations and tests need to be completed before the doctor diagnoses.

Dismiss alternative potential causes

When you self-diagnose, you will focus too much on one possible diagnosis and not pay enough attention to other possibilities. There is a lot of complexity in medical conditions due to the fact that they may have common symptoms

Inappropriate treatment

Typically, independent therapy will come after an independent diagnosis. The inappropriate pharmacological therapy may not be suitable for the disease or interact with other drugs. This may result in adverse effects or even worsen preexisting health conditions.

Lack of trust in medical professionals

Self-diagnosis might lead to distrust of medical professionals who have spent years studying and working in the medical profession. In fact, they should be able to provide reliable information and provide diagnoses and recommendations for therapy.

Delayed proper treatment

An incorrect diagnosis can result in delays in receiving appropriate medical care. These factors can potentially lead to increased anxiety, chronic disease, depressive symptoms, and prolonged stress.

Unstructured problem solving

You may become lost in conflicting and irrelevant medical information without enough expertise. It will also confuse you and make it hard for you to decide what to do. 

Learning about your symptoms helps you understand your health. This might help you prepare for doctor visits. Remember that self-diagnosis based on online information is dangerous. Not everyone has the same health problem. The signs may be the same, but the conditions are not.

Talk to your doctor to get a comprehensive evaluation, a physical exam, and any other tests that are needed to figure out what's causing your problems and how to treat them. If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.

Looking for more information about other diseases? Click here!



Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Friday, 26 April 2024 | 04:48