Mental Disorders And Behavior As A Result Of The Use Of Sedatives, Hypnotics, Or Anxiolitics

Mental Disorders And Behavior As A Result Of The Use Of Sedatives, Hypnotics, Or Anxiolitics

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Mental disorders and behavior can be caused by drugs, one of which is from the sedative, hypnotic, and/or anxiotic groups. These drug groups have three main functions according to their name, namely the standard (strengthening, reducing joy or feeling annoyed), hypnotics (triggering sleep), and anxiotics (excise depletion). These drugs are then grouped based on the compounding substance, namely benzodiazepin, similar to benzodiazepin, karbamat, barbiturat, and hypnotics similar to BARbiturat.


These drugs work by influencing chemical compounds in the brain and neurotransmitters named gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In general, GABA serves as an obstacle to the work of nerves in the brain. Medicines in the sedative, hypnotic, and anisolitic groups are usually used to increase the number of GABAs in the brain. In people with conditions such as posttraumatic stress disorders (post-traumatic stress disorder/atus), anxiety disorders, insomnia (difficulty of sleep), or other conditions, GABA levels in the brain decrease, so that these people find it difficult to feel calm or having trouble sleeping. Therefore, these drugs are prescribed in these conditions.

However, if used in the long term, these drugs have no effect on the number of GABAs in the brain. This happens because brain cells tolerate these drugs, so cells need higher doses to create the same effect. This also causes dependence on these drugs.

Risk Factors

These drugs are usually used in groups of anxiety disorders, including panic disorders and phobias, stress-related disorders such as trauma, as well as sleep disorders. These drugs are mostly prescribed in people aged 60-70 years, while their use is outside of treatment interests (recreation) is mostly at the age of 26-35 years. Most users of these drugs outside the doctor's prescription are male. Meanwhile, women abuse these drugs more when prescribed by doctors. Not only that, the availability of these drugs in the community is comparable to the number of people who abuse drugs.


Mental disorders and behavior due to the use of cedatives, hypnotics, and anisolitics can be diagnosed if the use of these drugs in a 12-month period causes:

  • Sedative, hypnotic, or anisotic drugs are consumed in larger doses or used in longer periods of time than usual
  • There is a desire and failure to reduce or control the use of these drugs on a permanent basis.
  • A lot of time spent on related activities getting these drugs, or recovering from the effects
  • The enormous desire and desire to use these drugs
  • The repeated use of drugs causes failure to fulfill work, school, or household obligations (for example, often absent from work/school, suspended or expelled from school, as well as neglect of children and households)
  • Continuing drug use despite social problems or relationships with other people caused or triggered by drug effects (for example fighting to physical violence)
  • Important social, work, and recreation activities are abandoned or decreased due to drug use
  • Using drugs in dangerous situations (for example driving or working with machines)
  • The use of drugs continues despite knowing that physical, psychological and social problems are caused by the use of drugs
  • Requires higher doses to achieve the same effect

Usually, these effects will only appear after one month of routine drug use. These drugs can cause the following symptoms:

  • Drowsiness
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Declining motor skills
  • Amnesia wholegrade (difficults in learning new information, while previous information remains remembered)
  • Talk melantur

If these drugs are suddenly dismissed, symptoms can appear known as mangroves or symptoms withdrawal, that is:

  • Many Sweats
  • Heart rate increases
  • Shaking hands
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Halusinasi penglihatan, sentu, atau pendengaran (melihat, merasakan, atau mendengar sesuatu yang tidak ada)
  • Anxious
  • Kejang


Diagnosis of mental disorders and behavior due to the use of sedatifs, hypnotics, and anisolitics can be diagnosed through direct and laboratory examinations. Mental disorders and this behavior can be caused not only by the use of drugs, but also by suddenly stopping these drugs.

Usually, doctors will carry out fission checks and mental examinations to determine this condition. Symptoms of using these drugs are usually the same as the effects of the drugs used, while symptoms withdrawal Contrary to the effects of drugs.

If the patient first goes to the doctor (especially the emergency room), the possibility of conditions that resemble mental disorders and this behavior is sufficient, so laboratory examination is needed to get rid of the possibility of these conditions. Laboratory examinations that can be carried out are in the form of complete blood tests, urinalysis, liver examination, kidney examination, blood gas analysis, thyroid hormone examination, and NAPZA toxicology examination. Other examinations such as electrocardiography (to check the electrical rhythm of the heart) and chest X-rays are needed to remove the possibility of other conditions.

Tata Lthat's the case

Management of mental disorders and behavior due to the use of sedative, hypotical, and anisolitics can be done outpatient or hospitalized, depending on the condition of the patient. At first, the patient may be hospitalized. If the patient comes in a condition of poisoning (intoxycification) due to excessive use or vice versa, withdrawalThe initial medical management is needed to deal with life-threatening emergencies. After that, management to reduce the use of drugs needs to be planned, because it will take months to years.

Doctors will usually conduct a thorough evaluation to find out the mental problems of patients outside the use of drugs. After that, the sufferer will undergo psychotherapy or therapy talking to a psychologist or psychiatrist. This therapy aims to strengthen the adjustment mechanism (coding mechanism) so as not to take these drugs again.

Urinary examinations need to be carried out regularly to find out the use of drugs secretly. If a patient suddenly uses drugs again, this is not a failure of therapy, but a sign that therapy needs to be done more intensely.

Therapy can also involve cooperation with family. Families can help sufferers in carrying out long-term therapeutic plans. In fact, therapy carried out in collaboration with families has better results compared to individual or other groups of therapy.


Users of Sedative, hypotical, and anisotic drugs can stop completely forever, can recur after a while, or even cannot be separated from these drugs for the rest of their life. However, the risk of addiction or addiction (after stopping) is quite high on these drugs.

The use of these drugs for healing and controlled purposes has a lower risk, but still exists. The use of these drugs can cause a decrease in work and learning performance, as well as worsen relationships with other people around the sufferer. In addition, the use of these drugs can cause harm to others if used when carrying out dangerous activities such as driving or working with machines. If the drug content in the body is too high, nerve work can be fully depressed, causing respiratory distancing, cardiac arrest, and death.


The use of Sedatives, hypoticals, and anisotics cannot be prevented if a person has conditions that require these drugs. However, if you have to take these drugs, make sure you obey the doctor's advice and don't take the drug excessively. You can consult a doctor if the drug effect begins to decrease, because doctors can increase the dose more under control. In addition, the use of these drugs for no reason of the most risky treatment occurs in teenagers. As a parent, you can prevent your children from taking the following steps:

  • Knowing every child's activity
  • Applying regulations and consequences, for example, such as leaving a party involving the use of NAPZA and refusing to be accompanied by a drunk person. If your child violates, the consequences should be consistently enforced
  • Get to know your child's friends. If your child's friends use NAPZA, your child may get pressure to do the same
  • Providing support for your child's efforts. The more familiar you are with your child, the lower the risk of children consuming NAPZA
  • Set a good example. If you consume alcohol, your consumption limits. If you get treatment with drugs that have the potential to make you addicted, you need to take these drugs according to the doctor's advice

When do you have to go to a doctor?

If you or people around you use Sedative, hypotical, or anisolitic drugs that cause significant problems in your work, school, and household, you can consult a doctor. The sooner these conditions are handled, the more risks that can be avoided.

Writer : dr Teresia Putri
Editor :
  • dr Anita Larasati Priyono
Last Updated : Thursday, 13 April 2023 | 14:24