Protecting Children from Pedophilia: Expert Tips

Protecting Children from Pedophilia: Expert Tips

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The DSM-5 classifies pedophilia as a paraphilic condition, which is defined as a disorder involving sexual attraction or interest in an unusual object.

When referring to sexual interest in prepubescent children, the word "pedophilia" is employed. It is not limited to single people to encounter this illness. Pedophilia can even affect married individuals who have intimate relationships.


Get to know the characteristics of pedophilia

The causes of pedophilia are not fully understood. This psychological disorder can arise from various factors, such as childhood sexual abuse, hormonal changes, alterations in brain structure, or genetic predispositions.

As per the DSM-5, pedophilia disorder is characterized by:

  • Persistent and recurrent sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving prepubescent children (usually aged 13 or younger) for at least six months
  • These sexual impulses result in significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning
  • Interest in child pornography materials
  • Feelings of frustration and isolation due to these sexual urges


How do you protect children from pedophilia?

There are several things parents can do to protect children from pedophilia, including:

Always actively involved in all children's activities

Make sure to get to know all his friends and all the children's daily activities. Help children choose safe activities and environments to carry out their preferred activities or hobbies.

Spend quality time with your child

Children who fall victim to pedophilia are often those whose parents are preoccupied with their own pursuits. They seldom dedicate substantial time to interact with their children, be it playing, communicating, or participating in their daily routines.

Teach children about parts of the body that other people should not touch

Introduce parts of the body that no one else should touch. Mention the actual terms so that children are not confused and feel awkward about mentioning their body parts. It is also important to help you understand what is happening to your child.

Teach them that there are parts of the body that other people should not see or touch. Even when the doctor wants to perform an examination on them, parental consent and previous authorization are required.

Instruct children not to keep anything secret

Pedophiles will usually start touching parts of the child's body and ask the child to keep this a secret from the parents. Teach children not to keep anything secret from their parents.

Children must describe everything they experience, especially things that make them uncomfortable, such as being touched on certain parts of the body by strangers or people they know.

Children should be taught not to post pictures of themselves naked or particular body parts

Some pedophiles may move through cyberspace by having the child send photos of specific body parts or nude photos. Children who already have access to technology are very vulnerable to this. Teach children not to carelessly send any photos to people in cyberspace.


Equally important, children who are victims of pedophiles are innocent children. Everything they experience is not based on their wishes. Always accompanythe child and ask for help from the authorities if the child commits an indecent act.

If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Monday, 13 May 2024 | 04:43