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What Are Boils and How Do They Relate to Consuming Too Many Eggs

What Are Boils and How Do They Relate to Consuming Too Many Eggs

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Boils are pus-filled bumps that form under the skin and are painful. Despite having similar skin-like bumps, boils and acne are not the same thing.

Boils are usually swollen, reddish in color, and painful due to inflammation and infection. They typically appear in areas where hair follicles are infected, such as the back of the neck, armpits, buttocks, thighs, or face.


Understanding boils and their characteristics

Boils usually start as small, painful, reddish bumps. Over time, the accumulation of pus within the lump may cause the boil to enlarge over the course of several days. As the lump gets bigger, it will become harder, along with more pain and redness.

Boils have distinctive features, including:

  • A painful, red lump that begins small and can enlarge to a diameter of up to 5 cm
  • Reddish or purplish swelling around the lump
  • The lump increases in size over a few days as it fills with pus
  • Yellow or white tip of the lump that may burst and ooze pus



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What may cause boils?

The majority of boils result from a Staphylococcus aureus bacterial infection. This bacteria commonly lives on the skin or in the nose. Generally, the immune system can usually keep the body in good health. However, when these bacteria enter the skin through cuts or hair follicles, it can result in a boil or infection known as a furuncle.

Numerous other factors can also result in boils, such as:

  • Close contact with people who have boils and lack of personal hygiene
  • Having other skin conditions, such as acne and eczema, that can damage the skin's protective layer can increase the risk of developing skin infections
  • Having diabetes, which impairs the body's defenses against infection by the S. aureus bacteria that causes boils
  • Having a weakened immune system increases the risk of skin infections, including boils
  • Wounds on the skin from shaving or injuries that allow bacteria to enter the skin



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The connection between consuming eggs and boils

It is a common misconception that consuming a lot of eggs can cause boils. As was previously mentioned, a S. aureus bacterial infection is the primary cause of boils. So, eating eggs has nothing to do with developing boils.

However, it is still not advised to eat more than three eggs a week or too many eggs overall because doing so increases the risk of various illnesses, such as:

  • Elevated cholesterol levels, which may increase the chance of heart disease
  • Weight gain due to the high amount of saturated fat consumed
  • Risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease


It is important not to squeeze boils carelessly. Antibiotics are necessary to treat the bacterial infection causing boils, particularly those that are large and severe. Sometimes, in order to relieve pain and avoid complications, your doctor will make a small incision to drain the pus. To maintain hygiene, especially in areas where boils are likely to occur, you might also be advised to use antiseptic soap. Consult with your doctor again if you have a severe or repeated boil.

If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.



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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Hanifa Rahma
Last Updated : Tuesday, 28 May 2024 | 03:43