5 Alternatif Pengganti Gula untuk Pengidap Diabetes

5 Alternatif Pengganti Gula untuk Pengidap Diabetes

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For people with diabetes, it is important to know some alternatives to sugar that can be consumed daily. Currently, many natural and artificial sweeteners can be used as sugar substitutes. What are these alternative sweeteners? Check out the following review.


How much is the daily sugar intake for people with diabetes?

People with diabetes need to limit their daily sugar intake. The sugar in question is not only granulated sugar (sucrose) but also all types of foods that include carbohydrates.  According to health experts, the amount of daily sugar intake is required for diabetics is less than 30 grams or about 7 tablespoons.


Alternative sweeteners to sugar

Individuals with diabetes must be aware of alternative sweeteners to sugar. This is crucial because white or pure sugar is rapidly absorbed by the body, causing spikes in blood sugar levels. Here are some daily-use alternatives to sugar:

1. Honey

The advantage of honey as a sweetener is that it has a lower glycemic index than granulated sugar. This means that honey is slower in raising blood sugar levels than granulated sugar. However, it is not recommended to replace all sugar with honey. Still, limit honey to your daily consumption because honey is considered a simple carbohydrate.

2. Coconut sugar

Palm sugar or coconut sugar are viable substitutes for granulated sugar. While palm sugar shares similar carbohydrate and calorie content with granulated sugar, coconut sugar has a lower sucrose level, ranging from 70-79%, compared to the 90% sucrose content in granulated sugar.

3. Cinnamon

Beyond its aromatic qualities, cinnamon serves as a viable alternative to granulated sugar. With zero sugar and calorie content, cinnamon is a safe option for individuals with diabetes. While it imparts a unique sweet sensation, cinnamon can be safely incorporated into various beverages and food preparations, including coffee, tea, and more.

4. Maple syrup

A popular choice as a pancake topping, maple syrup is crafted from the sap of maple trees and processed into a delectable syrup. Beyond its delightful flavor, maple syrup boasts a range of minerals and antioxidants that offer numerous health benefits. When selecting maple syrup from the market, always choose natural varieties with minimal added sugar.

5. Stevia leaf

Stevia is a natural sweetener extracted from the leaves of the Stevia Rebaudiana plant. Stevia is generally on the market in powder and liquid form. In a study, it was stated that steviosides contained in stevia can also lower blood pressure. Stevia also contains zero calories, making it safe for consumption by people with diabetes.

6. Dates

Dates, which are famous in the Middle East, can also be an alternative sweetener, especially when you are making snacks such as cakes. The sugar content in dates tends to be lower because they are natural.


Some of the ingredients above are alternative substitutes for sugar. Although they can replace granulated sugar for daily needs, you should still limit the use of sugar substitutes in your food or drinks, especially if you have diabetes mellitus. Consult your doctor and nutritionist if you have difficulty finding sugar substitutes for daily consumption and make sure you check your blood sugar regularly.

If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.



Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr. Benita Kurniadi
Last Updated : Selasa, 28 Mei 2024 | 08:55