Tak Diduga, Kebiasaan Ini dapat Menyebabkan Nyeri Punggung

Tak Diduga, Kebiasaan Ini dapat Menyebabkan Nyeri Punggung

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Back pain, especially the lower back, is generally caused by uncomfortable beds or the habit of often lifting heavy objects. But it turns out that there are also some habits that, without realizing it, can cause back pain. Some of them are habits that you do every day.


Unexpected causes of back pain

Back pain or backache, is stiffness or pain felt along the spine from the neck to the tailbone. Usually, this is caused by problems with the vertebrae and the surrounding tissue. This stiffness can be caused by infrequent exercise or incorrect movements that cause damage to the spinal joint gap.

In addition to these common causes, some simple things can trigger back pain, as reported by the Livestrong page:

1. Dehydration

Back pain is not always caused by lack of movement or heavy lifting. Lack of drinking can also cause back pain, especially in the lower back. When you are dehydrated, the spinal discs can lose water and the spine is compressed. When this happens, the spine will receive pressure from your movements, causing pain.

2. How you put your wallet and purse?

Do you like to put your wallet in the back pocket of your pants? Without realizing it, this habit can cause back pain. When you sit your wallet on your spine, there will be a structural imbalance in the spine so that one side of your body is higher than the other. This position puts extra pressure on the lower spine, causing lower back pain and numbness. Not only purses, but your habit of using heavy bags on one shoulder can also cause the neck and spine to tilt on one side of the shoulder.

To fix this, you can take your purse out of your back pocket when sitting and use the bag on alternate shoulders.

3. Smoking

Smoking habits can also cause back pain indirectly. Smoking can cause inflammation and damage to the ligaments and muscles of the spine, triggering back pain. The nicotine content is known to change the size of blood vessels and the body's ability to cope with pain.

4. Clothes you wear

The clothes you wear can also cause back pain. In a study conducted by the British Chiropractic Association in 2017, wearing tight jeans was found to be one of the main causes of back pain. Tight pants can inhibit the movement of the knees and waist, affecting body position and movement. Poor posture can force the spinal cord and back muscles to tighten and hold you in an uncomfortable body position. This condition also triggers severe lower back pain.

In addition to jeans, the use of a strapless bra that does not have strong back support can also cause back pain.

5. High heels

Wearing high heels for a long time can cause back pain. High heels can change the way you walk; the pelvis tilts, and the buttocks are pushed forward, making your spine curved. In severe cases, this position causes pelvic pain and leg pain. To combat this, limit the use of high heels for long periods.


If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.