How To Educate Children To Accept Defeat

How To Educate Children To Accept Defeat

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Following the race can develop children's potential and train their confidence. In racing, of course there are parties who win and lose. In addition to preparing to win, children also need to learn to face defeat.


How To Educate Children To Accept Defeat

As parents, one of the tasks that needs to be done is educating children to have good attitude and character. Encouraging children to compete is one way to educate children to want to work hard, train self-confidence, be able to evaluate themselves, and develop a diligent attitude.

Winning or losing a competition is a natural thing. However, not everyone can easily accept the defeat they have suffered. For parents, it is important to train their children in order to accept a good defeat for their emotional and social development.

Here are some ways that can be done to train children to be sporty:

Teach to make peace with defeat

Before participating in the competition, explain to the child that in every competition there will definitely be winners and losers. When the child feels sad because he loses, emphasize to him that sadness or failure is a natural thing. Let the child express his sadness, but remind the child not to drag on with his failure.

If handled properly, defeat in the competition can be a place for self-evaluation to learn from mistakes and improve yourself in the future.

Also read: Tips For Educating Children So As Not To Have A Materialistic Attitude

Follow the existing rules

When competing, it is important to teach children to respect existing rules. Obeying the rules can help children be sporty and avoid cheating. By instilling in children an attitude of respect for applicable rules, it will keep children away from behavior to justify any means to win. 

Focus on self-improvement 

In dealing with defeats, instead of blaming others and accusing other teams of cheating, it is better to train children to focus on improving their shortcomings.

When the child is willing to accept his shortcomings and tries to improve it, give appreciation so that the child can be patient and work hard in respecting the process, be able to see how far he has developed until he is finally able to grow his confidence again. 

Also read: Tips For Children's First Visit To Dental Doctors

Give an example

Children can learn to face failure better than the example you provide. For example, you can tell the failure you are experiencing, how you respond to it, and what lessons can be learned from this failure. By telling your failure, your child will learn that losing or failing is a natural thing and can be experienced by anyone.

Appreciation for the hard work of children

When the child has trained hard and is still facing defeat, you can give appreciation in the form of gifts. This gift can be an encouragement for children to practice and compete according to the rules.


It is not easy to accept failure, both in children and adults. But it is important for parents to train their children to accept failure so that their children can grow up to be a person who is able to learn from failure, is easy to be grateful, and does not justify any means to achieve their desires.

If you need information about how to educate your child, you can consult a psychologist or take advantage of the consultation features available on the Ai Care application. 


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Monday, 26 August 2024 | 05:59