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Why Do Baby Breastfeeding Need To Get The Supplementation Of Iron?

Why Do Baby Breastfeeding Need To Get The Supplementation Of Iron?

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Exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of baby life is one of the main recommendations in global health guidelines. Exclusive breastfeeding given during the first six months has many benefits for infants, including proper nutrition and antibodies that can help protect against various diseases.

But at a certain age, babies who get exclusive breast milk may need iron supplementation.


The Content Of Iron In Breast Milk

Although breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for babies, iron content in breast milk is relatively low, which is around 0.4 mg per liter. This content is usually sufficient during the first few months because babies still have iron reserves from pregnancy.

Over time, the intake of iron from breast milk alone may not be enough to meet the needs of the baby. Because of this, doctors recommend iron supplementation, especially after the baby is four months old.

Also read: Nutrition Content In Mother's Milk (ASI) And Latest Recommendations According To WHO


The Need For Supplementation Of Iron In Baby Breastfeeding

Iron is an important mineral needed for brain development and healthy formation of red blood cells. During pregnancy, babies store iron from their mother, and these reserves are usually only enough for the first few months of life.

There are several reasons why breast milk babies need iron supplementation, including:

Decreased baby iron reserves

Babies are born with iron reserves obtained from mothers during pregnancy. This deposit began to decline significantly after the baby was 4-6 months old.

At this time, the need for iron is increasing to support the growth and production of red blood cells. Breast milk may not be able to meet these needs so babies need iron supplementation.

The increasing need for iron

During the first few months of her life, babies may experience rapid growth, such as increased weight, body length, brain development, and other organ development. This rapid growth of babies can increase their need for important nutrients, including iron.

Also read: Benefits Of Providing Mother's Milk (ASI) To Prematurized Babies

Risk of iron deficiency

Lack of iron in the early stages of baby life can lead to a shortage of iron in the early stages of the baby's life Iron deficiency anemia which will affect the cognitive and motor development of the baby. The condition of anemia can also cause symptoms such as fatigue, fussyness, and decreased appetite.

Therefore, iron supplementation is often recommended for babies who consume breast milk after entering the age of 4-6 months to prevent the risk of anemia.

MPASI which is less rich in iron intake

Good iron sources can be found in MPASI such as red meat, chicken, fish, nuts,Article enriched with iron, and green vegetables. However, if the MPASI given does not contain iron, the baby may not get sufficient iron intake.

In addition, iron from animal food sources is easier for the body to absorb than iron from vegetable. Therefore, babies whose MPASI does not have an animal food menu may need additional iron to meet their needs.


Each baby has a different iron need, depending on factors such as age, weight, health condition, nutritional status, and birth history. For this reason, it is very important to consult a doctor in determining the right dose of iron supplement for your baby. You can take advantage of Ai Care's health consultation services by downloading it through App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Thursday, 22 August 2024 | 04:56