Korset is a type of underwear that is widely used to shape the waist so that it becomes sleeker. Usually the corset is used by mothers give birth so that the body shape returns to its original shape.
Some opinion says corsets should be worn more than 8 hours per day, and some recommend using corsets while sleeping. Is it safe to wear a corset while sleeping? Check out the following reviews.
Benefits of Using Korset
Korset has long been used since the 16th century to help form a slimmer body. In modern times, corsets are not only used for purposes fashion, tetapi juga memiliki berbagai manfaat di biandg kesehatan. Meskipun belum banyak manfaat yang dibukti secara medis, namun pengguna corset mengklaim beberapa manfaat penggunaan corset di antaranya:
Helping to have a hourglass-like body shape
One of the beauty standards that many people follow is that it has a sleek waist shape similar to sandglasses and prominent chests. Using corsets for a certain amount of time regularly, it is believed to help achieve this goal. However, experts warn that regular use of corsets does not provide the benefits of long-term body formation.
Improve body posture
The use of corsets helps you maintain an upright posture and does not bend. This method is also considered to help overcome the problem of discomfort in the back due to poor posture.
Prevent excessive appetite
Wearing a corset puts pressure on your waist so you feel more full than if your stomach is not depressed.
Weight loss
Although the use of corsets is claimed to help according to weight, experts argue that this condition is caused by the loss of fluids due to sweat. Sleek body shape does not always mean that you have ideal weight or according to the number you want.
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Risk Using Korset While Sleeping
In order for the corset to work effectively, you are advised to wear a corset for more than 8 hours per day. Some argue that the use of corsets during sleep is more effective because it does not make you short or horrified. But experts have different opinions.
Reporting from Healthline, wearing a corset while sleeping at night can trigger a number of risks and side effects such as:
- Rising stomach acid
- It is more difficult to breathe due to pressure on the chest and ribs
- Reducing the strength of the core muscle
- Stressing internal organs such as the kidneys and liver, which risk shifting the organ's position
- Damage To Internal organ Functions
- Improving digestive problems due to organ friction and blood vessel stretching around
- Increase the risk of broken ribs
- Reducing oxygen capacity due to reduced lung capacity
- Restricting the lymphatic work system
- The emergence of rashes and skin problems due to irritation of corsets
As a result of the above risks, experts do not recommend wearing corsets during night sleep and you should not use corsets continuously in the long term.
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Tips Safe Using Korset
Keep in mind that the use of corsets does not help lose weight and make the waist leaner in the long term. To get these benefits, you can start with weight training, strength training, adjusting your diet, and adopting a healthy lifestyle.
If you want to wear a corset, you should limit its use only for certain events and make sure you release it after a few hours of use. Wearing a corset for a long time, especially at night or for several consecutive days, can have a negative impact on your health.
When using a corset and you have difficulty breathing, nausea due to acid reflux, irritation and itching, you should immediately release the corset. If you have questions about how to form a slimmer body, you should see a doctor. You can also take advantage of the consultation feature in the Ai Care application which can be downloaded through App Store dan Play Store.
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