Hormones are chemicals produced by endocrine glands. Each hormone has a special role, such as regulating metabolism, controlling blood sugar levels, and influencing sexual functions.
However, hormone levels in the body can experience imbalance, either too high or too low. Hormonic imbalance can cause disorders in the body's system and organ function. Then, what disorders can arise when the hormone is not balanced? Check out the explanation in the following article.
Health Conditions Caused By Unbalanced Hormones
Hormonic imbalance can affect various systems in the body and cause health problems as follows:
Menstruation Irregular
The menstrual cycle of women is influenced by the balance of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones produced by the pituitary and ovarian glands. If these hormone-hormon balances are disrupted, the menstrual cycle can become irregular. You may experience menstrual delays, or not even menstruate at all.
fertility issues
Hormonic imbalance can be one of the causes of infertility in women and men. Hormones have a very important role in the reproductive process. Disorders in hormonal balance can affect various aspects of fertility, ranging from the production of eggs and ovulation in women, to the quality of sperm in men.
Also read: Improving These Hormones Will Make You Happy
During menstruation, levels of the hormone androgen will increase. This hormone increase will stimulate the oil glands in the skin, including on the face, to produce more oil or sebum.
This excessive album can clog pores and create an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive, which can then lead to inflammation and acne.
In addition, hormonal imbalance can also be the cause of adult acne, which generally appears in the 20s to 40s. Adult acne often appears in the chin, jaw, and neck areas, with a larger size, redness, and pain.
Hormonic imbalance can lead to hormonal imbalance diabetes through several mechanisms, such as disruption in insulin production or use, changes in glucose metabolism, and increased insulin resistance. These conditions can interfere with the body's way of regulating blood sugar levels, which ultimately pose a risk of triggering diabetes.
Also read: Signs Of Hormones In The Body Are Not Balanced
thyroid disease
Hormonic imbalance can cause disorders in the thyroid gland, such as hipotiroid and hipertiroidAn untreated hypothyroid can increase cholesterol levels and blood pressure, which ultimately increases the risk of heart disease.
Meanwhile, an increase in thyroid hormone in hyperthyroids can weaken bones and increase the risk of fractures. In addition, this condition can also cause a rapid heartbeat, which is at risk of causing fibrillation atrium.
Hormonic imbalance can be one of the causes of obesity. When the hormone in the body is out of balance, the process of regulating metabolism, managing appetite, storing fat, and energy settings is disrupted. This can cause uncontrolled weight gain and trigger obesity.
Because hormonal imbalance can affect overall health, it is very important to overcome it in the right way. If you experience a decrease or an obscure weight gain, cause often feel tired, irregular menstruation, stubborn acne, heavy menstruation, excessive hair growth, decreased sexual arousal, or difficulty getting pregnant, immediately go to the doctor.
You can also take advantage of health consultation services in the application Ai Care by downloading it through App Store Play Store.
Want to know information about other diseases? Check here, well!