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Smallpox (Smallpox) Andpox (Chickenpox), What's The Difference?

Smallpox (Smallpox) Andpox (Chickenpox), What's The Difference?

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Smallpox and Badminton are two diseases that are often confusing because of their similar names and symptoms. But please note that these are two different diseases in many ways, including the causes, symptoms, and their impact on health.

Come on, know what's the difference between these two diseases!


What is Smallpox (Smallpox)?

Smallpox is also known as smallpox. This disease is caused by viral infection Variola. This disease has been around for thousands of years and is considered a deadly disease.

Smallpox begins with initial symptoms such as high fever, fatigue, headache, and body aches. A few days later, a red rash appeared that developed into a lump filled with fluid throughout the body, especially in the face, arms, and legs.

The smallpox virus spreads through direct contact with people who are infected or through droplets. This disease is highly contagious mainly during the initial phase of the rash appearing.

Also read: What Are The Differences Between Waterpox And Campak?


What is waterpox (is waterpox)Chickenpox)?

Waterpox is known as waterpox chickenpox. This disease is caused by a virus Vaicella zoster, which belongs to the family featuring the virus. This disease is generally milder than smallpox and rarely causes death.

Symptoms of chickenpox usually appear 10-21 days after exposure to the virus. Initial symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, headache, fatigue, and feeling unwell. Then, a waterpox rash appears through several phases such as lumps, lephahan containing fluids, and a hardening crust and takes several days to recover.

Waterpox is highly contagious and can spread through the air or direct contact with liquid from broken lephahan.

Also read: Caused By The Same Virus, This Is The Difference Between Waterpox And Snakepox


Main Differences In Smallpox And Waterpox

The main differences in smallpox and chickenpox are at the following points:

The existence of disease

Smallpox is a nearly extinct disease, the last case was recorded in 1978. Meanwhile, chickenpox is still common, especially in children.

The severity of the disease

Waterpox is generally a mild infection and can recover without serious complications. However, in some cases it can cause complications, especially in people with weakened immune systems, infants, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Meanwhile, smallpox (excitement)smallpox) tends to be deadly because it can cause various complications including pneumonia, secondary infections caused by bacteria, and brain infections.

A rash appearance

Although at first glance the smallpox and chickenpox rash is similar, there is actually a difference between the two. Ruam on smallpox often appears throughout the body simultaneously. This foam spreads in a more uniform way.

Ruam in chickenpox appears at different times in various areas of the body. Usually it starts on the face, head, or upper back then spreads to the abdomen and chest. This foam starts as a red spot, then turns into a melting liquid.

Vaccine Needs

Vaccine smallpox (Vaccines)smallpox) it is no longer needed by most people because it has been eradicated globally since the 1980s. Meanwhile, the chickenpox vaccine is still recommended for all children at the age of about 1 and injections booster between ages 4-6 years.


Knowing the difference between smallpox and chickenpox is very important. This helps realize the importance of preventing transmission and also the importance of getting vaccinated. Consult with a doctor if you have other questions related to smallpox and chickenpox. You can take advantage of Ai Care's health consultation services by downloading them through App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Wednesday, 21 August 2024 | 05:49