Iris Congenital Anomalies

Iris Congenital Anomalies

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Congenital iris abnormalities are congenital eye disorders impacting the iris, the colored membrane behind the cornea, forming part of the eye's anterior segment. These abnormalities fall under Anterior Segment Developmental Anomalies (ASDA), which also include damage to the cornea, ciliary body, and lens. The iris delineates the pupil and imparts a unique color to each eye. Such abnormalities may manifest as incomplete iris formation, specific syndromes, or improper iris attachment. Comprehensive eye examinations are necessary to assess the overall condition and identify any additional ocular abnormalities.



Congenital iris abnormalities arise from genetic mutations. Identified genes associated with these abnormalities include PAX6, PITX2, and FOXC1, all of which are crucial for eye development during fetal growth. Congenital eye disorders may either exclusively affect the eye or be part of broader systemic abnormalities. When part of a larger syndrome, a characteristic collection of symptoms can be observed.


Risk Factor

Congenital iris abnormalities often co-occur with corneal defects and are part of hereditary congenital disorders. Genetic inheritance, particularly family history of early-onset eye conditions, is a significant risk factor for these abnormalities.



The variability in iris damage leads to differing symptoms among patients. Types of congenital iris disorders include:

  • Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome (SAR)

This syndrome involves corneal abnormalities with the iris adhering to the back of the eye chamber. It includes incomplete iris development (iris hypoplasia), decentered cornea (corectopia), and multiple pupil-like openings (pseudopolycoria). SAR may present as an enlarged eyeball or multiple pupils and is often associated with dental, facial, and navel anomalies.

  • Peters Anomaly/Peters Plus Syndrome 

Characterized by abnormalities in the cornea and iris, patients exhibit a cloudy cornea with the iris attached to it.

  • Aniridia

Marked by underdeveloped irises in both eyes, leading to blurred vision and light sensitivity. Aniridia can also result in glaucoma, cataracts, optic nerve maldevelopment, and nystagmus. It is a hereditary condition caused by a gestational anomaly occurring between weeks 12-14.

  • Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome (ICE Syndrome)

This syndrome affects the cornea, iris, and the iris' attachment to the anterior chamber (peripheral anterior synechiae), typically emerging between ages 20-40. Iris abnormalities are diagnosed using a slit lamp by an eye specialist.

  • Iridogoniodysgenesis Syndrome

This disorder involves imperfect iris development, leading to darker iris pigmentation, such as grayish or dark brown. It is non-progressive and not associated with other systemic disorders but may cause adolescent-onset glaucoma.

  • Congenital Iris Ectropion Syndrome

This condition is characterized by an outward-curving and enlarged iris, protruding into the anterior eye chamber. Typically affecting one eye and non-progressive, it can lead to early childhood glaucoma.



The diagnosis of congenital iris disorders is conducted using a slit lamp and an ophthalmoscope.

  • Slit lamp: This microscope, utilizing bright light, allows for a detailed examination of the eye's surface by magnifying the eye.
  • Ophthalmoscope: This instrument is used to inspect the posterior of the eye chamber, including the retina, optic nerve, choroid, and blood vessels. This examination is performed by healthcare professionals.



The management of congenital iris disorders varies based on the specific genetic disorder and its complications. Initial management aims to prevent complications, and the prognosis for visual function recovery is generally positive if glaucoma is absent. Surgical intervention is considered if initial treatments fail to prevent complications or resolve symptoms.

For patients experiencing photophobia, tinted lenses can alleviate discomfort. Additional examinations may be required to assess facial or other systemic abnormalities. Corrective glasses are necessary for addressing refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, caused by iris abnormalities.



Iris abnormalities can lead to blurred vision and diminished visual acuity. Potential complications include:


Currently, there are no specific measures to prevent congenital iris abnormalities. Approximately 50% of these cases lack a known cause. According to WHO, the following strategies may help reduce the risk of congenital abnormalities:

  • Regular prenatal check-ups and ensuring adequate maternal nutrition, especially micronutrients.
  • Avoiding alcohol and smoking.
  • Managing blood sugar levels during pregnancy if diabetic.
  • Vaccinations, such as for rubella, during pregnancy.
  • Screening for pregnant mothers.
  • Adequate folic acid intake during pregnancy.


When to see a doctor?

Consult a doctor immediately if you or your baby exhibit any of the following symptoms:

  • Persistent redness in the eyeball.
  • Difficulty seeing or increasingly blurry vision.
  • Cloudy appearance of the lens.
  • Severe pain in the eye area.
  • Rainbow-like images in the field of vision.
  • Sudden loss of vision.
  • Eye complaints accompanied by digestive issues.


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Writer : dr Erika Indrajaya
Editor :
  • dr. Yuliana Inosensia
Last Updated : Thursday, 16 January 2025 | 14:00

Papanagnu, E. (2021). Iridocorneal Anomalies in Infants. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Kanski, J. J. (2020). Clinical diagnosis in ophthalmology. Elsevier Mosby.

Boyd, K. (2021). What Is Glaucoma? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment. American Academy of  Ophthalmology. 

Congenital anomalies. (2021).


Han, Ruofan & (2017). Red Flags in Ophthalmology. Clinical Focus Primary Care. 11. 138-146.