Tanda-Tanda Pertumbuhan Janin Sehat dan Tidak Sehat

Tanda-Tanda Pertumbuhan Janin Sehat dan Tidak Sehat
Ilustrasi perkembangan janin sehat. Credit: freepik

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Undoubtedly, every pregnant woman desires for their unborn baby to develop normally. Pregnant women should thus be aware of the apparent indications that the fetus is growing healthily or not. To learn the obvious indicators of healthy fetal growth, read the following article.


Top Signs of a Healthy Growing Fetus

During pregnancy, the mother has to check the baby's condition. To determine the baby's condition, perform an ultrasound examination or observe the mother's physical changes. Knowing how healthy the baby is allows the mother to seek quick medical attention if pregnancy issues develop. 

Some indications that the fetus is developing well include:

Consistent fetal growth

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is considered healthy if its growth and development are consistent. Every month, the fetus grows in length by more than 3-5 cm, gains weight by 600-800 grams, and expands in head size.

The mother encountered an increase in weight

The weight gain of a pregnant woman may suggest that the fetus is developing normally. A pregnant woman's weight gain may signal healthy fetal growth. Pregnant women's weight increase is determined by a number of factors, including gestational age, body mass index, and whether or not the pregnant woman is having twins.

During a pregnancy control, the doctor will measure the mother's weight and assess whether the weight gain is healthy or not.

Read more: High Cholesterol When Pregnant, Is It Dangerous For Janin?

Presence of fetal heartbeat

A healthy baby has a healthy heartbeat. The baby heartbeat is usually detectable by the fifth week of pregnancy. During a pregnancy check, Doppler ultrasonography can reveal the fetal heartbeat.

Normal fetal heart rate ranges between 100 and 160 beats per minute. In the later stages of pregnancy, doctors need to perform a heartbeat check to determine whether the fetus's heartbeat is healthy before the delivery.

Healthy fetal movement

You may start to feel the baby's movements around 4-5 months into your pregnancy. Fetal movements in the second and following trimesters typically appear more quickly than in the first trimester.

Mothers should observe fetal movements, especially as they approach delivery. If you notice a decrease in fetal movement, you should seek medical attention right away.

Read more: Ideal Janin's Weight During Pregnancy


Signs of Fetal Development Disorders

Pregnant women may carry a fetus that fails to develop in certain cases. This condition typically manifests in the first trimester of pregnancy. Most of the time, this medical condition is an emergency that needs to be treated immediately.

The following are indicators that the fetus may be developing medical problems:

Vaginal bleeding

The occurrence of blood spots or spots during the first trimester of pregnancy is completely normal. On the other hand, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy indicates that the fetus is not growing healthily.

Bleeding may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, or pregnancy outside of the uterus, or a miscarriage. If a pregnant woman has vaginal bleeding, see a doctor straightforwardly, especially if she also has severe abdominal pain.

No signs of pregnancy

Early pregnancy is characterized by physical changes in the body, including mood swings, aching breasts, and nausea and vomiting. You should see a doctor if you had previously experienced these symptoms and they suddenly stopped, along with any additional symptoms like spots, bleeding, or pains in your stomach.

No audible fetal heartbeat

A Doppler examination that reveals the baby's heartbeat after the gestational age has reached the second or third month may be a sign that the pregnancy is not growing normally. The physician will undertake additional assessments to look for miscarriage symptoms.


It might be beneficial to keep a pregnancy healthy by being aware of the indicators of healthy fetal development. It is advisable for pregnant women to undergo a standard health examination once a week and at least once a month.

If you have questions about pregnancy, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


Looking for more information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, the health of women and children? Click here!

Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Kamis, 22 Agustus 2024 | 04:42