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Do Expectant Mothers Really Require More Than Twice as Much Food? A Comprehensive Guide

Do Expectant Mothers Really Require More Than Twice as Much Food? A Comprehensive Guide

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During their pregnancy, moms should consider not only their own nutritional needs but also those of the developing fetus. Pregnancy frequently results in an increase in the mother's food intake. But is it accurate to say that, for a healthy fetus, pregnant women should eat a larger portion?


Calorie requirements during pregnancy

The calorie requirements of pregnant women rise compared to their pre-pregnancy needs. These calorie needs also shift throughout each trimester. According to information from the What to Expect website, during the initial trimester, pregnant women generally don't require a significant increase in calories.

As they enter into the second trimester, the calorie needs of pregnant women elevate by approximately 300–350 calories daily, equivalent to two glasses of milk and a bowl of oatmeal. Upon entering the third trimester, the additional calorie requirement rises to 450–500 calories daily. For women expecting twins, an extra 300 calories per baby may be necessary. It's important to note that calorie needs can vary, especially for pregnant women who are underweight or overweight.


Dangers of eating too much during pregnancy

Although the calorie needs during pregnancy increase, this does not mean that pregnant women need to double their portions. During the 9 months of pregnancy, the recommended weight gain is 11.5–12 kg. If the mother eats too much, there is a risk of increasing weight, which causes obesity and risks the labor process.

In addition, when pregnant women eat too much, it can cause flatulence and trigger heartburn, especially if the mother consumes oily and fatty foods. In the long run, overeating during pregnancy increases the risk of back pain, diabetes during pregnancy, and high blood pressure.


Healthy diet tips during pregnancy

To meet nutritional needs during pregnancy, mothers do not need to eat up to twice but simply eat a healthy and complete menu during pregnancy to meet their nutritional needs. According to the NHS, here are some healthy foods that pregnant women need.

Fruits and vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals needed by the body during pregnancy. Pregnant women are advised to consume 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, including fresh fruit, juice, or dried fruit.


Carbohydrates are a source of energy, vitamins and fiber that can help you feel fuller without consuming too many calories. Good sources of carbohydrates include bread, potatoes, cereals, rice, pasta and noodles.


Pregnant women need high protein every day. Both plant and animal proteins are equally important for pregnant women to consume. Sources of protein that can be consumed include nuts, fish, eggs, and meat.


Dairy products provide essential nutrients like calcium, that are crucial for the body. Mothers can opt for various types of milk, such as skim milk, high-calcium milk, or plant-based alternatives like soy milk. Recommended dairy options also include yogurt and cheese. It's vital because pregnancy can deplete the mother's calcium reserves, making adequate calcium intake important to prevent deficiency.


Despite the negative connotations often associated with fats in food, pregnant women actually require healthy fats to ensure proper nutrition for their developing baby. Adequate fat intake supports optimal fetal growth. Avocados, oily fish like salmon, eggs, dairy products, and red meat are all excellent sources of healthy fats. Red meat is particularly beneficial as it not only provides fats but also contains iron, helping to prevent anemia in pregnant women.


During pregnancy, the body's calorie requirements naturally increase, leading pregnant women to consume more food. However, the focus should not solely be on food portions but rather on ensuring that the nutritional needs of pregnancy are met. By meeting these nutritional requirements, smoother delivery and overall health for both mother and baby are anticipated.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr. Benita Kurniadi
Last Updated : Friday, 14 June 2024 | 03:51