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The examination of the hematic is an examination carried out to calculate the percentage of the number of red blood cells to the volume of the whole blood. The value of the hematic will increase along with the increase in the number of red blood cells or decrease in blood volume. On the other hand, the value of the hematic will decrease as the blood volume increases or the process of forming red blood cells that decreases, or the process of destruction or loss of red blood cells that increases. Red blood cells are blood cells that play a role in bringing oxygen throughout the body and bringing carbon dioxide back to the lungs.

The hematic examination can be measured directly through the centrifugation process or indirectly through the automatic method in the laboratory. Hematic examination can help to enforce diagnosis anemia or vera policeemia. Anemia is a medical condition in the form of a number of red blood cells that are not sufficient for needs, while politemia vera is a medical condition that rarely occurs marked by the number of red blood cells that exceeds the range of normal values.

Hematic examinations are generally submitted by doctors if you have several complaints that are suspected of leading to anemia or vera polythemia. Some complaints that lead to anemia, for example, easy shortness of breath, fatigue or lack of energy during activities, headaches, dizziness, pale skin, or chest pain. On the other hand, some complaints that lead to vera policemia, such as blurred vision or double vision, shortness of breath, headaches, fatigue, fatigue, or excessive sweat.

Hematotic examinations are generally carried out in conjunction with complete peripheral blood tests or complete blood count (such as leukocyte examinations, platelets, or hemoglobin).



This examination is usually carried out in the following conditions, namely:

  • To help enforce anemia diagnosis or vera politemia if you have complaints and clinical signs that are suspected
  • To monitor the level of hematic in some patients who are undergoing treatment for certain diseases
  • For deep filtering or screening medical check up



There are no contraindications or conditions that prevent a person from carrying out this examination.


Preparations Before Examination

There is no special preparation before conducting a hematotic examination. This examination can be done in a state of not fasting. However, you are advised to first conduct medical consultations with a doctor before conducting a hematotic examination because there are several conditions that can interfere with laboratory results so as not to describe your real condition.


Examination Procedures

The examination of the hematik generally uses blood serum samples as much as 0.25 - 0.5 ml. This blood serum sample is taken from a venous blood vessel and will be collected into a special tube. Laboratories will wear special gloves and PPE (Self-Protective Equipment) when taking examination samples.

Before taking the blood, the officer will install an elastic ribbon and clean the needle stabbing area with an antiseptic cassation. Usually the officer takes blood in the elbow folding area. After the blood is taken and put into a special tube, the officer will remove the attached elastic tape, press and clean the stabbing area with an antiseptic cassation. This examination procedure only lasts for a few minutes. The blood samples that have been obtained will be examined using a special device in the laboratory, and the results can be known within a few hours.


Normal & Abnormal Value

The normal value range of hematics is distinguished by age and gender. In general, the following is a range of normal and abnormal values on the results of the hematotic examination.


In Adult Men

The value of death)




40 54





In Adult Women

The value of death)




36 46





In Baby and Child (<18 years)

The value of death)




53 69





However, each laboratory has a slightly different range of value between one laboratory and another because it relies on the tools or machines it uses.


Results & Suggestions (Continued Inspection)


If the results of your hematic examination show a low value, you should consult a doctor. Low hematic levels are always accompanied by low levels or numbers of red blood cells, or anemia which is a medical condition characterized by insufficient amounts of red blood cells to transport oxygen to the body's tissue as needed.

There are several medical conditions that can be suspected if the hematotic value is low, for example, the lack of nutrients for iron elements, vitamin B12 or folic acid, kidney disease, spinal cord disorders, or certain cancers such asgalo, lymphoma, or myeloma multiple.

Although the value of the hematography shows a low value, you are not advised to do your own medical diagnosis so you need to come to a doctor to have a consultation and a fissical examination if there are certain complaints and signs.



If the results of your hematic examination show normal value, you will most likely have no hematological problems and have run a healthy lifestyle properly. You are advised to maintain your current healthy lifestyle so that it can prevent some diseases caused by low or high levels of hematocritics in the blood.



If the results of your hematic examination show high value, you should consult a doctor. It is likely that the doctor will suggest changing your diet and lifestyle to be healthier, or even start drug therapy to help reduce the value of your hematocrit.

High hematotic levels can be a sign of the occurrence of polythemia. Politemia is a medical condition in the form of an increasing number of red blood cells in the body. Medical conditions that can cause polythemia are hypoxia (lack of oxygen levels in the body), hormone production disorders erytropyetin, genetic politemia, vera politemia, or congenital heart disease.

Policeemia can relatively occur due to reduced blood volume even though the number of red blood cells does not increase, can be found in some conditions such as dehydration (water shortages in the body), taking diuretic drugs that make you often urinate or urinate, living in mountains or high places, heavy smokers, excessive vomiting, or high exercise. If some of these conditions are corrected, for example, when dehydration is recommended to drink more water, then the value of the henocritic usually returns to a range of normal values quickly.

Although the value of the hematic shows a high value, you are not advised to do your own medical diagnosis so you need to come to a doctor to have a consultation and a fissical examination if there are certain complaints and signs.


Consult To The Right Doctor

The results of the hematic examination of adults can be consulted with general practitioners, for further examination or starting therapy for appropriate diagnosis. You can also consult an internal medicine doctor or a hematology-oncology consultant to discuss your hematotic issues further. In pediatric patients, the results of the examination other than normal must be consulted with a pediatrician.


Want to know information about the results of laboratory examinations, radiology, and others? Check here, yes!



Writer : dr Apri Haryono Hafid
Editor :
  • dr Anita Larasati Priyono
Last Updated : Jumat, 14 April 2023 | 14:52

Medscape. Hematocrit. 2014 September. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2054320-overview#a2

Mayo Clinic. Hematocrit test. 2021 December. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/hematocrit/about/pac-20384728

Medline Plus. Hematocrit test. 2020 July. https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/hematocrit-test/

Mayo Clinic Lab. Complete blood cell count. 2022 April. https://www.mayocliniclabs.com/test-catalog/overview/9109#Clinical-and-Interpretive

Cleveland Clinic. Hematocrit. 2018 December. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/17683-hematocrit