Hipergonadotropik Hipogonadisme

Hipergonadotropik Hipogonadisme

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Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism (primary hypogonadism) is an abnormality characterized by the abnormality of gonads (sex organs) that functions to produce the sex hormone so that there is a decrease in the hormone testosterone in men and estradiol (estradigen) in women. This causes delays in sexual development.

The body has a feedback mechanism where the hormone gonadotropin will be produced when the levels of the sex hormone (testosterone and estradiol) are low. In hypergonatropic hypogonadism, this low level of sex hormone will be detected by the body so that the body provides feedback by increasing the production of gonadotropics.

Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism was discovered in about 7% of men who experiencedulant delays.



Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism can be a congenital disorder or caused by other diseases.


You can also read about other causes of Hypogonadism here: Hipogonadism - Definition, Cause, Symptom, And Treatment.



Hypergonadotropic congenital (congenital) hypogonadism includes:

  • Chest dysgenesis or an abnormality in the shape of the quartics, which is found in men with Klinefelter syndrome. This syndrome is the cause of the most hypergorotropic hypogonadism in men with estimates occurring in 1 in 667 live births.
  • The ovarian dysgenesis or abnormalities in the formation of the ovaries (eggs), which are found in women with Turner syndrome
  • Androgen insensitivity syndrome
  • Lack of enzymes (very rare).


Acquired/ Obtained

Another cause of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism is:

  • Exposure of testes or ovaries to radiation or chemotherapy. This can happen to cancer sufferers who undergo therapy. Cancer therapy, both drugs and surgery, can cause damage to the organ.
  • Decreased sex hormones due to aging
  • Chest infections, for example due to gongongan or parrotitis (Mumps)
  • Torsio Tables (twisted channels above the testes)
  • Autoimmune causes inflammation in egg protection
  • Hemokroxis (iron buildup). This condition can cause failure or disturbance in several endocrine glands (which produce hormones), including egg protection andicigars
  • Polyctic ovarian syndrome


You can also read about the decrease in sex hormones in women due to aging called: Menopaus - Definition, Cause, Symptom, And Treatment.


Risk Factors

Some factors that can increase the risk of hypergonadotropin hypogonadism are:

  • Torsion ovaries or twisted egg protection
  • The absence of testes
  • Chest inflammation
  • The failure of the premature ovaries
  • Resistant ovaries syndrome
  • Trauma in ovaries or quartics
  • Chest on the pelvis or quartics
  • Autoimmune
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Infection
  • Toxine
  • Medicines



The sex hormone levels vary in both sex. The decrease in estrogen production will provide symptoms that can differ from the symptoms of decreasing testosterone production. Sexual hormones will also normally decrease with age. Therefore, symptoms of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism will vary depending on your age and gender.


Children And Teenagers

Symptoms in children and adolescents include:

  • The delay in the start of menstruation time
  • Lack of growth in facial or body hair
  • Less height than other children
  • Fruits and penises do not develop according to normal size
  • No menstruation, or non-current menstruation
  • fertility disorder
  • Low sexual arousal



Meanwhile, in adults, hypergonadotropin hypogonadism will cause different symptoms in men and women. In general, lack of sex hormones in adults will cause:

  • Lack or loss of sexual arousal
  • Exhaustion and low energy
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Hair loss
  • The red and hot face



In addition, low levels of female sex hormones, namely estrogen, can cause:

  • abnormal or menstrual menstruation
  • Early Menopause
  • fertility disorder



In men, a low number of testosterone will lead to:

  • Ginekomastia (the development of breasts in men)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • fertility disorders due to the low number of sperm
  • Loss of muscle mass


You can also read further about: Sexual Dysfunction In Men - Understanding, Cause, Symptoms, And Treatment.



If a doctor suspects hypergonotropin hypogonadism, there are several ways to enforce his diagnosis. The steps are:

  • Physical examination. In addition to asking about your symptoms and medical history, the doctor will conduct a physical examination to find out your general health. In women, a pelvic examination may be carried out
  • Examination of hormone levels. Low levels of gonadotropic hormones in the blood, namely FSH (follicle-stimulating hormones) and LH (Luteinizing hormones), is a sign of hypergonadotropin hypogonadism. In addition, estrogen hormone levels will be measured in women and testosterone in men
  • Blood examination. To find the cause of the failure of the sex organ (hypogonadism), you will undergo a blood test to look for red blood cell disorders or blood iron levels. Genetic examination can also be done to assess the presence of chromodynamic disorders (cariotype examination) or congenital abnormalities
  • Another examination: diagnosis may also require an examination of the pituitary glands that produce gonadotropin, thyroid function examination, sperm count, chromodynamic analysis, and hormone levels (hormons that function to stimulate breast milk production).


Laksana Procedure

The main step in treating and handling hypergonadic hypogonadism is to provide therapy to restore and refill hormone levels. The therapy includes:

  • Anti-estrogen therapyFor women with hypergonotropin hypogonadism, estrogen will be given, sometimes along with progesterons (other sex hormones). This therapy, which is also used for menopause, can be given in the form of a progesteron (other sex hormone). patch skin, cream, vaginal ring, or pills. Although effective, its use can increase the risk of uterine cancer, clots or blood clots, and stroke
  • Testosteron-substitute therapy. In men, testosterone can be replaced directly. Such as estrogen therapy, testosterone can be given in various ways, including injections, creams, nasal spray, patch skin, or implants in the skin. However, this therapy can affect fertility
  • Another therapy: for women with low sex drive due to hypergonorrhonadism, administration of testosterone or dehydroepindrosteron of low doses can be done. In addition, additional therapy for men includes the hormone dihydrothestosteron and the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) which can increase the production of testosterone.

Even though hypergonadic hypogonadism is a long-term condition, existing therapy can control it successfully. Many people who get therapy can have an active life like others, even if symptoms can return if drugs are stopped.

During the treatment period, be open with doctors about how you feel and tell the doctor if you feel something uncomfortable.



Hypergonadotropin hypogonadism will cause a decrease in bone mass and an increase in the risk of falling due to a decrease in muscle strength, thereby increasing the risk of fractures or fractures.

In adults, low levels of testosterone are a risk factor for hip fractures, especially in the elderly population. Hormonic replacement therapy has a beneficial effect by increasing bone mass.



Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism cannot be completely prevented. However, you can do a healthy lifestyle to maintain your overall body's health by:

  • Choose a healthy diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Maintain normal weight
  • Avoid the use of alcohol and illegal drugs


When Do You Have To Go To A Doctor?

You should consult a doctor if you experience:

  • In men, enlargement of breast and/or release of liquid such as milk from the breast
  • In women, the face is red and hot
  • Impotence or erectile dysfunction
  • Low sexual enthusiasm
  • Lack of body hair
  • menstrual disorders
  • fertility disorder

Because hypergonadotropin hypogonadism affects sexual function and inhibitsccretion, it can have a significant impact on mental health. While it's difficult, try to be open to your doctor if your sexual life has a breakdown.

The biggest concern of hypergonadic hypogonadism is the side effects of drugs. Find emergency medical help if you experience headaches or sudden vision problems. In addition, tell me if there are signs of allergic shock such as swelling, shortness of breath, dengue, peduring, fainting, nausea, and vomiting.


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Writer : dr Tea Karina Sudharso
Editor :
  • dr Hanifa Rahma
  • dr Anita Larasati Priyono
Last Updated : Minggu, 16 April 2023 | 10:11

Rutledge, J., & Xu, M. (2022). Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism. Retrieved 3 October 2022, from https://www.cancertherapyadvisor.com/home/decision-support-in-medicine/labmed/hypergonadotropic-hypogonadism/.

Here’s a Quick Overview of Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism. (2022). Retrieved 3 October 2022, from https://www.verywellhealth.com/hypergonadotropic-hypogonadism-5207356.

Fertilitypedia - Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. (2022). Retrieved 3 October 2022, from https://fertilitypedia.org/edu/diagnoses/hypergonadotropic-hypogonadism.