Cara Tepat Mengukur Suhu Bayi

Cara Tepat Mengukur Suhu Bayi
Ilustrasi mengukur suhu bayi. Credit: Freepik

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Knowing how to measure your baby’s temperature accurately is essential for every parent. A baby’s temperature can give important insights into their health condition. This is especially useful when your little one has a fever or feels unusually cold. But how exactly should you measure a baby’s temperature the right way?


How to Take Your Baby’s Temperature

Before taking your baby’s temperature, it’s important to understand what the normal temperature range is for infants. Generally, a baby’s temperature is considered normal when it falls between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius. If the temperature exceeds 38 degrees Celsius, it’s an indication that your baby has a fever, which typically points to some form of inflammation in the body.

To measure your baby’s temperature, you can use various types of thermometers such as forehead, armpit, or rectal thermometers. The method you choose depends on the baby’s age. According to the Mayo Clinic, here are the recommended thermometer types for babies based on their age:

  • Newborns up to 3 months old: Digital thermometer in the armpit or rectum
  • Infants 3 months and older: Thermometer in the rectum, forehead, or armpit
  • Infants over 6 months: Ear or rectal thermometer
  • Children 4 years and older: Digital thermometer under the tongue, in the ear, armpit, or on the forehead

Rectal Temperature Measurement

Using a rectal thermometer is ideal for newborns up to the age of 1 year. Here’s how you can measure your baby’s temperature using a rectal thermometer:

  • Clean the thermometer with alcohol wipes.
  • Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly on the tip of the thermometer.
  • Place the baby face down on your lap and gently separate the buttocks with your thumb and forefinger.
  • Insert the lubricated thermometer tip gently, no more than 1 inch (2.54 cm) or 0.5 inches (1.25 cm) for babies under 6 months old.
  • The thermometer should be positioned towards your baby’s navel.
  • Keep the baby calm and still during the measurement.
  • Wait until the thermometer signals that the measurement is complete or displays the temperature.
  • Remove the thermometer and check the reading.
  • Clean the thermometer with soap and water or alcohol wipes and return it to its storage place.

Since using a rectal thermometer can make some babies feel uncomfortable, it’s important to do it gently and stop if the baby starts crying.


Armpit Temperature Measurement

Here’s how to measure your baby’s temperature using an armpit thermometer:

  • Turn on the digital thermometer and place the tip of the thermometer in the center of your child’s armpit.
  • Ensure that the thermometer touches the skin directly, without any clothing in the way, and make sure the armpit is dry.
  • Close the child’s arm against their chest to keep the thermometer in place.
  • Wait until you hear a beep, indicating that the measurement is complete.
  • Remove the thermometer and check the displayed temperature.
  • Clean the thermometer and store it properly.

The normal temperature range for armpit measurements in children is between 34.7 and 37.3 degrees Celsius.


Ear Temperature Measurement

Ear thermometers measure the heat from the inside of the ear. While they can provide quick results, they may not always be as accurate as rectal thermometers, especially if the thermometer is not positioned correctly in the ear.

Here’s how to use an ear thermometer:

  • Turn on the thermometer and gently place it in your child’s ear. If the child is over 1 year old, you can pull the ear slightly to straighten the ear canal.
  • Follow the thermometer's instructions to ensure it is positioned properly in the ear.
  • Hold the thermometer in place and wait for a moment until the reading is finished. Ear thermometer measurements are typically fast.
  • Remove the thermometer and read the displayed temperature.
  • Clean the thermometer and store it properly.

For the most accurate readings, it is recommended to measure the temperature indoors. If your baby has been outside, wait for at least 15 minutes before taking the measurement indoors.


Forehead Temperature Measurement

Measuring a baby’s temperature with a forehead thermometer is one of the easiest methods. However, it may not always be as precise as using a rectal thermometer. To take a temperature with a forehead thermometer, place the thermometer sensor in the middle of your baby’s forehead. Then, press and hold the scan button on the thermometer and move it slowly across the forehead. Lastly, remove the thermometer and check the temperature reading. While this method is simple, it may not always be as accurate as other methods like rectal measurements.

A baby’s temperature is an important indicator of their health. If your baby’s fever persists for more than 3 days, it’s crucial to consult a doctor. You can also utilize the consultation feature available on the Ai Care app, which can be downloaded directly to your phone.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Hanifa Rahma
Last Updated : Kamis, 20 Maret 2025 | 08:55

Johns Hopkins Medicine. Measuring a Baby's Temperature. Available from:

NHS. How to take your baby's temperature. Available from:

Seattle Children’s. Fever - How to Take a Temperature (0-12 Months). Available from:

Mayo Clinic. Thermometer basics: Taking your child's temperature. Available from:

Raising Children. Taking Your Child’s Temperature. Available from: