Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Selama Working From Home

Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Selama Working From Home

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While working from home offers convenience, practicality, and time-saving benefits, it also presents unique challenges. Issues such as difficulty focusing, limited workspace, and flexible schedules can hinder productivity. Moreover, these conditions can create pressure, leading to increased stress and potential physical health issues for remote workers.


Why should you work from home?

During the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical to reduce virus transmission. COVID-19 spreads quickly through droplet splashes between people, resulting in restrictions on activities and gatherings. Office clusters are a major concern, especially when combined with poor ventilation, which can speed up virus transmission. As a result, remote work mandates are implemented for roles that can be performed without face-to-face interaction.


Tips to stay healthy while working from home

Working from home eliminates the need for transportation, saving time and energy that would typically be spent commuting and avoiding traffic congestion. However, it is not without its challenges. Factors such as an unsuitable workspace, stress, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of loneliness can all reduce productivity. Distractions have an impact on both mental and physical health. To stay healthy while working remotely, consider implementing the following measures:

1. Consume healthy food

Despite spending extended periods at home, it is essential to prioritize health by eating nutritious foods. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) recommends that you include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat products in your diet to maintain good health. Furthermore, eggs, beans, fish, and lean meats are high-quality protein sources for daily consumption. The CDC recommends not skipping breakfast and maintaining regular eating habits at home.

2. Drink plenty of fluids

If you frequently forget to drink water at work, you should make every effort to meet your drinking water needs when you get home. In addition to water, you can replenish fluids by drinking fruit juices, coffee, tea, electrolyte drinks, and infused water.

3. Exercise routine

With more time at home, you have more time to exercise. You can go for a 20–30 minute walk every morning or cycle around your neighborhood. Also, remember to stretch in the middle of your workday to keep your muscles from becoming stiff.

4. Create a comfortable workspace

Your home workspace may be less comfortable than your office workspace. This condition can occasionally interfere with your ability to work. To make your home workspace as comfortable as the office, begin by selecting a comfortable work chair with back, waist, and neck cushions. However, even if your work chair is comfortable, avoid working in a sitting position for extended periods of time. To improve blood circulation, mix in some light exercise between your activities.

5. Create a healthy routine

Working from home can make it difficult to strike a work-life balance. According to the CDC, adhering to predetermined working hour limits is critical for striking a healthy balance between professional and personal responsibilities. Work should not be done during personal time unless absolutely necessary, and vice versa. By setting clear boundaries between work and personal time, you can also ensure that you get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each day.


If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.



Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Ayu Munawaroh, MKK
Last Updated : Senin, 27 Mei 2024 | 05:01