Tanda-Tanda Anak Perempuan Berhenti Bertumbuh

Tanda-Tanda Anak Perempuan Berhenti Bertumbuh
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During the onset of puberty in girls, when they reach the peak of their growth, there comes a point when their growth rate begins to slow down. Parents shouldn't worry about this because it's normal for children's physical growth. Nevertheless, it is necessary for you to be aware of the indications that females have stopped growing.


When is the beginning and end of puberty in girls?

Puberty is a phase of development that indicates the transition from childhood to adulthood. There will be significant changes in physical conditions, hormones, and emotions.

Although it might vary from one child to the next, most girls start puberty between the ages of eight and thirteen. During puberty, girls will go through several kinds of changes, including breast growth, changes in body shape, pubic and underarm hair growth, the appearance of acne, and the onset of menstruation, which typically begins around the age of 12.

During puberty, girls may suffer emotional and psychological changes as a result of hormonal variations in their bodies. These can include mood swings, depression, and other hormonal-related symptoms.

Girls generally reach their maximum growth surge between the ages of 11 and 12, during which they experience the most accelerated phase of their development. During this period, girls experience a significant increase in height, known as a growth spurt.

Girls can increase in height by approximately 7 centimeters in a short period of time. Furthermore, their body mass tends to increase significantly during puberty.

Girls typically reach their mature height at approximately 14 to 15 years of age. The duration of this can differ among children, depending on genetic characteristics, nutritional intake, and environmental factors.


The signs of growth cessation in girls

The physical development of girls reaches its highest point once they reach the height of an adult. In other words, the bone length has ceased growing after reaching its maximum. The following are indicators that a girl's growth has stopped:


Decreased the rate of growth

If the growth of a girl has reached her maximum, then the growth of the girl will considerably slow down in the last year or two, and there will be no improvement in height during this time period.


Growth of pubic and armpit hair

During the later stages of puberty, girls typically have hair growth in the pubic region and underarms. This suggests that his physical development has reached the stage of full maturity.


Absence of childlike characteristics

A round face and other infantile characteristics will disappear in girls who have stopped growing. The distribution of fat in the face is another aspect of physical appearance that is susceptible to hormonal changes throughout puberty, resulting in a slimmer facial appearance.


A more developed body shape

Additionally, they start to go through proportional and more adult physical changes. This is due to the fact that the body's bones have reached their maximum size and the primary phase of longitudinal growth has stopped. Thus, females' body proportions may settle and reach their mature shape.

Physical changes, such as the development of the breasts and hips, are noticeable throughout puberty and remain even after significant growth has ended. As girls reach puberty, their hips might grow, and their breasts may change in size and shape.


Each girl experiences a unique developmental stage. Indicators of growth cessation may also differ. If you have any concerns regarding your daughter's growth, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.

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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Selasa, 30 April 2024 | 09:31