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What Is Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) And Its Benefits For The Skin

What Is Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) And Its Benefits For The Skin

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Aside from Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) is also found in skincare products. Together with AHA, these two active ingredients provide exfoliating benefits and treat a variety of skin issues. Learn more about BHA and how it can benefit your skin.


What is BHA?

BHA stands for beta-hydroxy acid. It is a group of acids used in skincare products. BHAs, like AHAs, have exfoliating properties and can help with a variety of skin problems.

Several substances fall into the BHA category, including:

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is one of the most common BHA ingredients found in skincare products. Salicylic acid is oil-soluble, which allows it to penetrate and cleanse the skin pores. Salicylic acid is effective in treating acne, blackheads, and oily skin conditions.

Beta-Hydroxy Butanoic Acid (Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid)

Beta-hydroxybutanoic acid is a chemical compound that is also found in BHA skincare products. It can help remove dead skin cells and improve skin texture.

Tretokanic acid and tropical acid

Tretokanic acid and tropical acid are BHAs that work similarly to salicylic acid on the skin. Although not as common as salicylic acid, both ingredients can be found in some skincare products.

Although BHAs are considered gentler than AHAs, they may still cause irritation in some people with sensitive skin. Before using these products, conduct a sensitivity test and monitor skin reactions.



Read more: AHA And BHA, What Are The Differences And Benefits?



Benefits of using BHA

BHAs have several benefits when used, including:

Ideal for sensitive skin

BHAs, especially salicylic acid, are suitable for sensitive skin. BHAs provide exfoliation without causing irritation, making them suitable for people with sensitive skin or prone to redness.

Suitable for oily skin

Salicylic acid is also fat-soluble, making it ideal for oily skin types with excess oil. Salicylic acid can penetrate pores and treat oily skin.

Penetrates deeper

Salicylic acid is known for its ability to penetrate deeper into the skin layers, aiding in the fight against acne-causing bacteria.

Has exfoliating properties

BHAs, like AHAs, have exfoliating properties that help remove dead skin cells and improve skin texture. BHA's ability to penetrate pores makes it useful for cleansing and preventing pore clogging.

Resolves acne problems

Products containing BHA, particularly salicylic acid, can treat, prevent, and reduce acne.



Read more: Is Salicylic Acid Safe to Use During Pregnancy?



Is AHA or BHA better?

AHAs and BHAs have their own advantages. AHAs are effective at improving the texture and signs of aging on dry skin. BHAs, on the other hand, work well for cleaning pores and treating oily or acne-prone skin.

The combination of AHA and BHA can provide comprehensive exfoliation benefits, making it a better option for those with complex skin problems.

Consult a dermatologist to determine whether AHA, BHA, or a combination of the two are best for you. They can recommend the most appropriate product for your skin and needs.

If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.



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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Monday, 1 April 2024 | 10:05