CA-125 (Cancer Antigen-125)

CA-125 (Cancer Antigen-125)
Ilustrasi sampel darah untuk pemeriksaan marker tumor CA-125. Credit: Freepik.

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CA-125, also referred to as Cancer Antigen-125, is a protein commonly present in cells associated with uterine or ovarian cancer. Elevated levels of this protein are often found in individuals with certain types of cancer or medical conditions. The CA-125 test is a tumor marker test that measures the levels of CA-125 in the bloodstream. This test supports a physician's diagnosis and is also used to monitor cancer patients both during and after treatment.

In certain cases, this test can serve as an initial assessment for individuals at high risk of uterine cancer. However, it is important to note that the CA-125 test lacks sufficient accuracy to be used as a sole reference in the early detection of uterine cancer for all women, as various other factors can influence abnormal CA-125 levels. Generally, this test is employed in women already diagnosed with other cancers to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment or to detect the recurrence of cancer following therapy.



The CA-125 test is recommended for individuals diagnosed with uterine cancer or those undergoing treatment for this condition. Additionally, it is indicated for:

  • Monitoring the treatment of uterine cancer to determine the effectiveness of therapy. A decrease in CA-125 levels suggests that the cancer treatment is effective.
  • Detecting the recurrence of uterine cancer through periodic testing, which may be performed monthly or annually, depending on the duration since treatment completion.
  • Assessing patients at high risk for uterine cancer, particularly those with a family history of the disease, which may indicate a predisposition to the BRCA genetic mutation.
  • Assisting in evaluating patients who present symptoms or have been diagnosed with uterine cancer.



There are no specific contraindications associated with the CA-125 test.


Preparation Before the Test

No special preparation is required before undergoing a CA-125 test. It is advised to consult your doctor regarding any medications you are taking, including those related to cancer therapy, before the test. This procedure does not require fasting. Additionally, inform your doctor if you are experiencing menstruation, pregnancy, or other specific conditions, as these factors may lead to false positive results.


Test Procedure

A laboratory staff will clean the area on your arm with sterile alcohol gauze and collect a small blood sample from a vein using a sterile syringe. The blood sample will then be placed in a tube and analyzed using specialized equipment. The risks associated with blood tests are minimal. Some individuals may experience mild pain, dizziness, or bruising at the puncture site, but these symptoms typically resolve quickly.


Normal and Abnormal Values

The normal value of the examination depends on the examination in each laboratory. In general, the normal value of the CA-125 examination is below 35 units / mL while the value above 35 units / mL is an abnormal value.


Results and Recommendations (Further Testing)

The CA-125 level does not directly correspond to the extent of cancer in the body, so additional tests are often necessary to confirm a diagnosis or assess the condition.

Normal Values

If you are undergoing treatment for uterine cancer and your CA-125 levels have returned to normal, it may indicate that the therapy is effective. To maintain your health, adopt a balanced diet, engage in regular physical activity, and schedule routine health check-ups. In cases where a uterine cancer patient has normal CA-125 levels, it could mean the tumor does not produce the CA-125 protein. In such instances, the CA-125 test may not be useful for monitoring the progression of the disease or its response to treatment.


Abnormal Values

If your CA-125 test results exceed 35 units/mL, this does not necessarily mean you have uterine or other types of cancer. Elevated CA-125 levels may be caused by other conditions, such as:

  • Endometriosis: A condition where tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, often causing pain and fertility issues.
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): An infection of the female reproductive organs, often resulting from sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea or chlamydia.
  • Uterine Fibroids: Noncancerous growths in the uterus.
  • Liver Disorders: Certain liver conditions can elevate CA-125 levels.
  • Pregnancy and Menstruation: These physiological states can also lead to higher CA-125 values.
  • Recurring Uterine Cancer: Elevated CA-125 levels may indicate a recurrence of cancer in patients with a history of uterine cancer.

If you are not undergoing therapy for uterine cancer but your CA-125 test shows elevated levels, your doctor may recommend additional tests to clarify the diagnosis.


Consult the Right Doctor

If your CA-125 test results are abnormal, consult a general practitioner for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Factors such as medications, lifestyle, or diet may also contribute to the results. If necessary, you may be referred to a gynecologist specializing in oncology or a surgical oncology specialist to further evaluate your condition.


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Writer : dr Kevin Luke
Editor :
  • dr Hanifa Rahma
Last Updated : Rabu, 27 November 2024 | 14:01

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