Anti HSV-2 IgG is one of the examinations of▁sakits infection. IgG refers to antibodies or proteins produced by the immune system to fight foreign substances entering the body, such as bacteria or viruses. Meanwhile, HSV stands for the simplex herpes virus. There are two types of symplectic fear viruses, namely HSV-1 and HSV-2.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the anti HSV-2 IgG test is an examination carried out to detect antibodies and not the virus. This test is useful to find out whether you have been infected or exposed to HSV-2 and if the body has produced IgG antibodies to fight the virus.
The pneumonia symplectic infection caused by HSV-2 mainly causes infection in the urinary and genital tract area (urogenital) and is mostly found in adults. When a person has a symplectic herpes infection, the body will start producing antibodies about 18-21 days after you are infected. IgG antibodies are antibodies that continue to live in the body, can be found in the blood and other body fluids, and can be detected for life.
If you are interested in reading more about the simplex fear infection, you can read it here: Simple Herpes - Definition, Cause And Laksana.
Anti-HSV-2 IgG examinations are generally carried out to help confirm if patients have ever been exposed to HSV-2. This examination is also useful in distinguishing whether infections are caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2. IgG examinations are more accurate in distinguishing HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections. This examination is not used to diagnose active infections.
Symplectic Herpes are generally transmitted through direct contact, and HSV-2 is transmitted through sexual contact and usually affects the genital area. Transmission of HSV-2 infection can occur during sexual intercourse or while giving birth.
The CDC organization does not recommend that this examination be carried out on asymptomatic people, as screening does not reduce the rate of pneumonia transmission. This examination is usually recommended in pregnant women who are at risk of sex susceptibility and people who come into contact with simplex fear patients or individuals infected with HSV-2.
There is no contraindication or special medical condition that makes a person unable to carry out anti-HSV-2 IgG examinations. In the process of taking blood samples, if one arm contains infections or bruises, blood sampling will be carried out on another arm or other body parts.
Preparations Before Examination
You don't need special preparation to undergo this examination. There is no specific prohibition regarding food or drinks that should not be eaten before examination. However, make sure the doctor knows all the drugs, vitamins and supplements that you are taking. This includes antivirals or antibiotics, drugs that you can buy freely without a prescription, and other drugs that you consume.
Some sexually transmitted infection clinics can do a short counseling test to find out if you need this examination and whether you are at risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections.
Examination Procedures
IgG antibodies are not produced immediately when a person is infected with this virus, it may take 3-6 weeks from initial infection before the body's IgG antibodies can be detected. The anti-HSV-2 IgG examination itself uses blood samples taken by health workers. Some places may be conducting counseling pretest short before examination.
During the examination procedure, blood samples are generally taken from a venous vessel in the arm area using a small needle. The area of the body to be drawn from the blood will be disinfected first with an alcohol case. Health workers will then inject the needle into the blood vessel. Once the needle is inserted, a small amount of blood will be collected into the tube or vial. You may feel a little pain when the needle enters or comes out.
Furthermore, the sampling site is cleaned again with disinfectant or swab alcohol and pressing the location of blood sampling so that no blood comes out. This procedure usually only takes less than 5 minutes. Blood samples will then be analyzed by health workers in the laboratory.
Normal And Abnormal Values
If you are never infected or exposed to HSV-2, then the normal anti-HSV-2 IgG test results are negative, where IgG antibodies are not detected in the body. If the test results are positive, this is an abnormal result and indicates that you have been infected with HSV-2. The body will produce IgG antibodies against HSV-2 if you have been exposed to this virus.
Results and Suggestions (Continued Inspection)
Negative results from the anti-HSV-2 IgG examination generally indicate that you have never been exposed or infected with HSV-2 before. Meanwhile, positive results indicate that the body produces IgG antibodies to fight the HSV-2 virus that enters the body, and that you have been infected with HSV-2 before.
Anti-HSV-2 IgG examinations can be carried out together with anti-HSV-2 IgM. IgM antibodies are antibodies produced by the body as a response when a new virus infects the body, and these antibodies can only be detected in active or new infections. Therefore, if the results of the IgG and IgM antibody tests are both positive, it is likely that you have been exposed to HSV-2 before and this time have a new symplecticiggs infection that is active.
However, there can be false negative results, where you do an examination after being exposed to HSV-2 but the body has not produced IgG antibodies. If the doctor feels you have been exposed to HSV-2 infection before, the doctor can recommend a repeat of the test a few weeks later.
Consult To The Right Doctor
If you have received the results of the anti-HSV-2 IgG examination, the doctor will consult the results of the examination with you. If you have symptoms of genital violence, it is important that you get treatment. The doctor will evaluate the results of the examination and consider your current condition to determine further therapeutic steps.
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- dr Hanifa Rahma
What is a Herpes IgG Test. (2022). Retrieved 15 May 2023, from
HSVG. (2022). Retrieved 15 May 2023, from
What is a Herpes Simplex Virus Antibodies Test. (2021). Retrieved 15 May 2023, from
Herpes Simplex. (2022). Retrieved 15 May 2023, from