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Distended Stomach Triggers Kronis Disease, Recognize The Dangers

Distended Stomach Triggers Kronis Disease, Recognize The Dangers

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Having a distended stomach turns out not only to make a person not self-perse, but also to have a more serious health risk. What are the dangers hidden behind a distended stomach and how to reduce the buildup of belly fat? Check out the following reviews.


The Danger Of A Distended Stomach For Health

A distended stomach is caused by a buildup of fat that covers the organs in the stomach or known as viseral fat. In contrast to subcutaneous fat under the skin that you can feel when pinching your stomach area, viseral fat cannot be felt because it is around the organ. In normal amounts, viseral fat is not dangerous, but if it is excessive, it triggers a number of health problems.

Some of the dangers of distended stomach for health include:

Heart disease

Research reveals that distended stomachs have a high risk related to heart disease. In the study, it was also stated that distended stomachs are actually a vital indicator of the risk of repeated heart attacks rather than overall obesity.

This condition is associated with the buildup of viseral fats that increase cholesterol in the blood so as to form plaque that narrows blood vessels. The buildup of fat in blood vessels can also cause blood vessels to harden so that it is difficult to drain blood to the heart. This condition causes heart problems especially heart attack.

High blood pressure and high cholesterol

The researchers suspect that viseral fat produces more specific proteins that trigger inflammation in the body's tissues and organs as well as narrow blood vessels. This can cause high blood pressure (hypertension).

In addition, researchers also revealed that the buildup of viseral fats is also directly related to high cholesterol levels, including bad cholesterol in the blood. 

Also read: Small Habits That Cause A Distended Stomach


A distended stomach is also associated with type 2 diabetes. Research reveals that viseral fat can release certain proteins that make a person vulnerable to insulin resistance. As a result, the body does not respond to insulin issued to control blood sugar. This is what causes type 2 diabetes.

Alzheimer's disease

Reporting from Medical News Today, belly fat buildup has a high risk of Alzheimer's disease, compared to people who have less belly fat, especially in middle age. The study revealed that high viseral fat is associated with a lower total volume of gray matter in the brain and cognitive abilities.

Gray matter (gray matter) is an important type of tissue in the brain and spinal cord that plays an important role in mental, memory, emotions and movement functions. In Alzheimer's, it is known to have less amount of gray matter in the brain. 


Research shows that distended stomachs are also associated with cancer risk, including Colorectal cancer. Research reveals that people who have more viseral fats are at higher risk of developing precancer polyps in the large intestines that increase the risk of cancer.

Also read: Not Just Food, This Is The Cause Of A Distended Stomach


How To Shrink A Distended Stomach

According to the study, the safe limit for the belly circumference in men is 90 cm and women 80 cm. If you experience a distended stomach and the belly circumference is close to the maximum safe limit, you should start trying to shrink the belly circumference to minimize health risks. 

Some ways you can do, among others:

  • Active lifestyle: Exercise and increasing physical activity at least 30 minutes per day help burn fat including viseral fat. Exercise weight training and endurance can also help maintain and build muscles.
  • Selectively choosing foods: Avoid processed foods rich in trans fat and multiply the consumption of green vegetables and healthy fats such as fish, skinless chicken, eggs, nuts, and low-fat dairy products.
  • Sleep enough.
  • Manage stress well.


A distended stomach has a high risk of health problems. If you have a distended stomach problem, you can consult a doctor or take advantage of the consultation feature in the Ai Care application. 


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
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Last Updated : Monday, 22 July 2024 | 09:56