This Is The Impact If You Eat Irregularly

This Is The Impact If You Eat Irregularly

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Generally people have 3 meals, namely breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But busy activities sometimes make someone skip meals. Don't underestimate the habit of eating irregularly, because even if you don't feel hungry, this can cause health problems in the long term.


The Impact Of Unordered Eating On Health

Some people tend to have irregular eating schedules such as those for night workers, or workers who leave for work in the early hours of the morning. Experts say, in addition to sleeping patterns, eating hours and types of food consumed can affect a person's health condition in the long term.

This is related to the rhythm of the sirkadian or internal body clock that regulates diet, sleep patterns, hormone regulation, to body temperature and appetite. People who have an irregular eating schedule, then the rhythm of the circadian and the metabolic system will also be disrupted and trigger various health problems.

Some health problems due to irregular eating habits include:

Increased blood sugar levels

After eating, the body will release the insulin hormone to capture blood sugar and circulate it into the body's cells as a source of energy. If you eat irregularly, it can interfere with insulin production which will also affect blood sugar levels. If this habit continues, you are at risk of experiencing diabetes.

End the signal of hunger and fullness

The signal of hunger and saturation in our bodies is regulated by the hormones of ghrelin and leptin. The leptin hormone is a hormone that is released to send a signal of fullness, while the hormone ghrelin is a hormone that is released when hungry. When the body ignores these hormones, over time the body will find it difficult to recognize the hungry and saturated signal. 

Also read: Can't Breakfast Lose Weight, Myth Or Fact?

Risk of obesity

Eating irregulars can slow down metabolism that causes weight gain or complicate weight loss. When you don't eat for a long time, cells in the body will want foods that trigger you to eat more. As a result, the risk of obesity increases. 


Eating irregularly triggers the body to get tired easily. This causes circadiant rhythm disorders that will interfere with the body's metabolism. As a result, there is a change in the way the body processes food and energy which causes blood sugar levels to drop drastically, then the body feels weak and lacks energy.

Also read: This Is The Risk If Children Often Miss Breakfast

Lowering concentration

Disordered eating habits can cause decreased blood sugar levels. It can also affect your cognitive concentration and abilities. To work optimally, the brain requires a stable supply of glucose. When you skip the meal schedule, the brain will lack glucose so that difficulty working optimally, such as processing information and solving problems. 

Mood disorders

In addition to metabolic disorders and weight, irregular eating habits can also trigger mood swings, if you leave your stomach empty for too long, blood sugar levels will drop and can trigger the body to release the hormone cortisol or stress hormone. This can cause you to experience mood disorders such as feeling anxious, depressed, gloomy, easily offended, and restless.


Eating irregulars is experienced by many people, especially by workers shift. Disordered eating habits can cause various health problems in the long term.

If you have been eating irregularly, you should talk to a nutritionist or doctor to improve your diet. You can also consult using the consulasu feature in the Ai Care application which can be downloaded through App Store dan Play Store.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Tuesday, 20 August 2024 | 08:38