Butylene Glycol Membantu Penyerapan Lebih Baik Dalam Skin Care

Butylene Glycol Membantu Penyerapan Lebih Baik Dalam Skin Care
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For some people, a skincare routine may seem like a futile effort. However, the truth is that a balanced diet and staying hydrated are not enough. Besides internal care, the skin also needs nourishment on its outer layer.

How can skincare be absorbed well and work effectively?


Get to know what Butylene Glycol is

Butylene glycol is a class of organic alcohol and one of the ingredients commonly found in skincare products, hair care products, and other beauty care products. Its function is similar to that of propylene glycol, except that Butylene glycol is less irritating to the skin.


Benefits of butylene glycol

Although is a type of organic alcohol, Butylene glycol is considered safe to use as an ingredient in skincare products. One of its advantages is that it does not cause irritation or dry skin.

Here are some of the benefits of Butylene glycol:

  • It helps hydrate skin

Butylene glycol has humectant properties. Humectants attract and bind water, often from deeper layers of the skin into the top layers. They help keep the skin hydrated and moisturized.

  • Softens and moisturizes

Butylene glycol also functions as an emollient, which helps to soften and smooth the skin's surface. When applied to the skin, it forms a thin film that protects the skin from water loss and prevents water evaporation through the skin.

Hydrated skin will feel smoother and look healthier. When used regularly, it will help reduce dryness-related skin problems such as stiffness, redness, and tightness.

  • Maintaining texture

Butylene glycol's main role, besides helping to bind water is also as a solvent, which can help other ingredients remain soluble, consistent, and stable.

  • Reduces viscosity

In product formulation, Butylene glycol helps to reduce viscosity and prevent other ingredients from sticking together and clumping. This makes it easier for skincare products to be applied evenly and absorbed by the skin.

  • It helps stabilize the product

Another benefit of Butylene glycol are that it is as a stabilizer that prevents the active ingredients from losing flavor, aroma, or other important properties. In other words, it helps prevent the product from crystallization, drying out, and undergoing unwanted physical changes.

With the presence of butylene glycol, the product will be more durable and consistent and can provide benefits for a longer period of time.

  • It helps preserve the product

Butylene glycol also acts as a preservative, where its antimicrobial properties help prevent the growth and development of microorganisms such as bacteria and mold that can cause product spoilage.

It is also important to keep the product clean by following the safety guidelines and usage rules, as well as storing the product in the recommended place so as not to increase the risk of contamination.

  • Treat symptoms of acne

Butylene glycol is often found as one of the ingredients in acne medication products. Although does not directly fight acne, its antimicrobial properties help fight acne-causing bacteria so that inflammation and irritation caused by acne can be reduced.


Although it is considered a safe ingredient, not everyone may be compatible with products containing butylene glycol. For skin safety, it is best to consult your doctor or a trusted dermatologist before using skincare products.

If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Jumat, 14 Juni 2024 | 11:49