Hewan Juga Bisa Stres saat Musim Liburan, Simak Penyebabnya

Hewan Juga Bisa Stres saat Musim Liburan, Simak Penyebabnya
Ilustrasi hewan peliharaan stres. Credit: Freepik

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The holidays should be a fun time for you and your pet. Many people bring their pets along on vacation. But sometimes the holidays can be stressful for your pet. By knowing the causes and signs of stress in your pet, you can relieve the symptoms of stress and enjoy your time together.


Causes of pet stress on vacation

Holidays are usually the most anticipated moments for you and your pet. During the holidays, you have more time to spend with your pet. But just like humans, the holiday agenda can sometimes cause your pet to experience stress, especially if you take them to a new place or a crowded place.

Some of the causes of pet stress on vacation include:

Change of routine

Your pet usually has a daily schedule of when to eat, play and rest. But during the holidays, this routine can sometimes change. As with humans, any change in a pet's routine can cause anxiety.

Vacations mean pets spend less time at home. In addition, you may also be working longer hours to accommodate the time off you've taken for vacation. Your pet's play or feeding schedule may change over time. These things can affect pets and make them bored, anxious, or stressed. But it also depends on your pet's personality. Some animals are more sensitive than others. They are more likely to feel anxious or agitated when you take them on a trip or visit a new place.


New environment

Traveling with your pet or taking them to a new place can also be stressful for pets. Some animals are very sensitive to changes in the environment, such as smells, ambiance, and crowds, so if placed in a new setting, they will feel anxious. 

Other things that can cause stress for pets include: 

  • New places and fragrances
  • Visitors and strangers
  • Presence of other animals
  • Changes in environment (including changes in home furnishings)
  • Changes in routine
  • Lack of exercise
  • Travel to a new place
  • Stress experienced by humans 


Signs of stress in pets

Signs that a pet is stressed may vary, with some showing obvious symptoms while others are so subtle that they can be difficult to recognize. Some changes in an animal's behavior that may indicate it is under stress include:

  • Doesn't want to part with you, afraid of being left alone
  • Frequent whining, pacing, and barking
  • Starts not wanting to use the litter box or keeps hiding in the litter box
  • Defecates or urinates carelessly
  • Likes to hide
  • Change in appetite
  • Pretending to sleep
  • More aggressive behaviors, such as biting, hissing, growling, or barking

If your pet is showing signs of stress, it's best to find out what changes are stressing him out and try to relieve his stress symptoms.


How to relieve stress in pets on vacation

You may not know the exact cause of your pet's stress. However, when your animal shows symptoms of holiday stress, there are a few things you can do to help them relieve the stress, namely:

Stick to the routine

Pets, such as dogs or cats, are animals that enjoy routine. To reduce potential holiday stress, you can maintain routines such as eating, sleeping, and play schedules as best you can.


Train them to travel

If you have a plan to take your pet on a trip, it's best to take them gradually. For example, if you're going to take your pet for a long drive, it's best to get them used to traveling short distances with you before going long distances. You can try walking with your pet in a parking lot or getting them used to crowded places.

Likewise, if you are taking them on a plane, train, or bus, make sure they get used to the new environment first. Make sure your mode of travel has a good mechanism for taking pets traveling long distances. 


Avoid from the crowd

If you're attending or hosting a party with a crowd, it's wise to keep your pets in a separate room or cage. Provide them with essentials like food, water, a litter box, and a cozy bed to keep them comfortable and content.


Take a break

Sometimes you want to play with or show your pet to your family or your guests. But you also need to pay attention to your pet's condition. If they seem like they need to rest, then it's best to let your cat or dog rest so they're not in a bad mood. 

Pets can also experience holiday stress. If your pet is showing symptoms of holiday stress, it's best to check for changes in their surroundings. If you have questions about animals, you can either visit a veterinarian or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Hanifa Rahma
Last Updated : Kamis, 13 Juni 2024 | 05:10