Tears function to keep the eyeball surface moist and irritant free. Tears have several layers, and one of these layers is produced by the tear glands (gladenula lkrimal). Dakrioadenitis is an inflammatory process in the glands of these tears. Lactrimal glands are located at the top of your eyes. Dakrioadenitis can be caused by viral, bacterial, or non-infectional infections such as inflammation.
Dakrioadenitis rarang terjadi, beberapa laporan menyebutkan bahwa dakrioadenitis menyerang sekitar 10.000 orang. Dakrioadenitis is swasirna (self-limiting). There is no tendency to occur in this condition based on race, gender, and age. In general, darioadenitis has good output and can recover in some time by itself, but the exclusion of chronic darioadenitis depends on the underlying disease.
Inflammatorys are caused by infection, generally by viral agents, but can also be caused by bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The most common causes of dakrioadenitis are Epstein-Barr virus. Other viruses that are less frequent in causing dakrioadenitis are adenovirus, variella zoster, herpes simplex, rhinovirus, cytomegalovirus, or Mumps.
Bacteria that cause adarioadenitis include Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus sp. In endemic areas, denrioadenitis caused by tuberculosis infection has also been reported. Several cases found darioadenitis caused by N. gonorrhoeae.
In addition to infection, another cause of dakrioadenitis is non-specific orbital inflation, ferocity (the lymphoma, carcinoma of adenoidal characteristics, and pleomorphic adenoma). Organic dakrioadenitis can be caused by other immune diseases such as Thyroid Eye Disease or "Sj"gen's syndrome.
Risk Factors
Risk factors from adarioadenitis include infection with viruses and bacteria, having autoimmune diseases such as "Sj"gen's syndrome or sarcoidosis.
Symptoms that you can feel if you have acute dakrioadenitis, among others:
- Swelling on the upper eyelids. Your eyelids will feel red, enlarged, warm, and painful.
- Red eyes.
- Sekret atau manfaat mata.
- Watery eyes.
- There is a lump in the lower jaw.
- Eye movements are hampered.
- Systemic conditions such as fever, upper respiratory tract infection, fatigue, and enlargement of the parotic glands.
- Penonjolan bola mata.
Symptoms that you can feel if you have chronic dakrioadenitis, among others:
- The swelling on the upper eyelids is not too heavy, not accompanied by redness, pain, and warmth.
- The enlargement of the glands in moving upper eye clumps.
- No visual impairment.
- The enlargement of the neck lymph nodes.
- Dry eyes.
Doctors will ask some questions related to the symptoms you are experiencing, including whether the pain is felt accompanied by swelling on the upper eyelids, the duration of the symptoms, whether the symptoms appear quickly or slowly, whether there is fever, previous upper respiratory tract infections, and a history of associated immunity diseases. At physical examinations, your doctor will also perform examinations on such lumps, eyeball movements, the sharpness of your vision, and look for whether there is an enlargement of the glands in the area around your neck. Further examinations can be required, namely a CT scan of the orbita to search for the involvement of the ophthalmary muscles. At repeated conditions, MRI checks can also be required. Laboratory examinations can also be carried out depending on clinical contexts, such as complete peripheral blood (DPL), infection markers, and ANA (automatic examinations). Bioptions need to be performed for atypical dyrioADenitis.
Laksana Procedure
Medical Therapy
Depending on the severity of symptoms, therapy can range between observation, relieve symptoms, and surgery. In acute darioadenitis caused by the virus, the treatment carried out reduces symptoms and overcomes systemic symptoms. In bacterial darioadenitis, treatment with extensive spectral antibiotics can be given. If you don't respond, an abscess drainage of the galactic gland needs to be done. Repeated dakrioadentitis can be treated with orbital radiation or systemic therapy.
Follow up
You need to go back to the doctor if there is a decrease in the sharpness of your vision, it is difficult to move the eye, and changes to your color vision.
Surgery is only carried out on repeated dakrioadenitis and severe dakrioadenitis. Histopologies examination is needed to distinguish the condition of infection, inflammation, or tumor. When it is found that there are abscess or collections of nanosheaths radiologically or clinically, drainage needs to be done.
Home Care
In acute adarioadenitis conditions, you can provide a warm compress and take anti pain.
The most common complications are caused by late diagnosis and treatment. Generally, the condition of dakrioadenitis can improve by itself, but some complications that can occur include ptosis, decreased tear production, and dry eyes. If dry eye condition is not treated with adekution, further and permanent visual impairment due to cornea involvement can occur. Selulitis, which is an infection around the eyeball cavity, can be a complication of dakrioadenitis.
The unknown cause of dkrioadenitis can be repeated in 15% of patients. Some cancer cases in the lkrimal gland often experience diagnosis and are considered ordinary dakrioadenitis, so, if you experience this complaint repeatedly and do not improve with any treatment, immediately check yourself with a doctor.
One of the causes of dakrioadenitis is the Mumps virus, which also causes gongdong disease. The virus can be prevented by being given the vaccine. Meanwhile, other causes of dakrioadenitis have yet to be prevented.
When do you have to go to a doctor?
If you experience repeated dakrioadenitis, changes in sudden vision, pain with the movement of the eye ball, dakrioadenitis does not improve with the treatment that has been given, immediately check yourself to a health facility for further examination.
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- dr Ayu Munawaroh, MKK
Singh GJ. (2018). Dacryoadenitis. Medscape. Retrieved 07 November 2021, from
Koretz Z. (2021). Dacryoadenitis. EyeWiki. Retrieved 07 November 2021, from
Lubsy FW. (2020). Dacryoadenitis. MedlinePlus. Retrieved 07 November 2021 from
Patel R, Patel BC. Dacryoadenitis. [Updated 2021 Jun 23]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from: