Why Does Your Weight Often Fluctuate?

Why Does Your Weight Often Fluctuate?
Illustration of fluctuating weight. Credit: Freepik.

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For those on a diet, seeing the number on the scale change frequently can be concerning. You may wonder if your diet or exercise routine is ineffective. However, these fluctuations in weight are actually normal and not harmful.


Causes of Weight Fluctuations

According to Healthline, it's common for weight to fluctuate throughout the day. In adults, weight changes of up to 2 kilograms daily can occur due to various factors, such as diet, activity level, and sleep.

Here are some possible causes of weight fluctuations:

1. Consuming food with high contents of salt and carbohydrates

Consuming foods high in salt or carbohydrates can cause your body to retain water, leading to weight gain and a higher number on the scale.

To address this, try reducing your intake of carbs, sugary foods, and processed items. Instead, focus on eating foods rich in potassium and magnesium to balance your body’s salt levels.

2. Weight of the food consumed

The weight of the food you eat also impacts your overall weight. Experts suggest that drinking 2 cups of water or eating water-dense foods, like fruits, can add up to 2 kilograms, though this increase is temporary.

3. Weight from digestion

The process of digesting food also contributes to weight changes. The body uses food and fluids for energy and hydration, then produces waste such as sweat, urine, and feces, resulting in weight loss.

4. Exercise

Exercise causes weight loss, but if you replenish lost fluids through hydration, this may not show immediately on the scale, as the body replaces the fluids lost through sweat.

5. Medications

Certain medications can affect the body's ability to retain water, increase appetite, or alter metabolism. If you experience significant weight gain after starting new medication, it’s best to consult with your doctor.

6. Menstrual cycle

Women may notice weight gain during their menstrual cycle due to water retention. After the period ends, the weight usually returns to normal.

7. Alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol can lead to weight gain, as it takes longer to process and contains high calories, which can contribute to an increase in body weight.


In addition to these factors, other health conditions like the flu or chronic illnesses can also cause daily weight changes. While these fluctuations are normal, if you experience rapid weight loss, it's important to see a doctor or consult a professional using the Ai Care app.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Monday, 14 October 2024 | 19:52