Apa itu Golden Period pada Serangan Stroke?

Apa itu Golden Period pada Serangan Stroke?
Ilustrasi gejala stroke. Credits: Freepik

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Stroke is a medical emergency that requires rapid and accurate intervention. Without timely and appropriate treatment, damage to brain cells can escalate, potentially leading to loss of brain functions such as speaking, moving, or thinking.

Prompt and proper first aid can significantly improve recovery chances after a stroke and reduce the risk of permanent brain damage.


The golden period in stroke management

When it comes to first aid for stroke, it's crucial to understand the concept of the "golden period." Also known as the golden hour, it refers to the critical time window during a stroke. During this time, quick and accurate medical treatment can make a difference in recovery outcomes.

The golden period for stroke typically refers to the first 3 to 4.5 hours after stroke symptoms appear. Within this timeframe, medical interventions such as administering clot-dissolving medications in ischemic stroke are highly effective in restoring blood flow to the brain. Quick action can reduce brain damage and improve recovery chances.

Hemorrhagic stroke, which is caused by bleeding in the brain, can be stopped with immediate surgical intervention. This step is critical for stopping the hemorrhage and minimizing brain tissue damage.


First aid for stroke attacks

If someone in your family is experiencing a stroke, it is essential to provide first aid immediately. Key first-aid steps include:

Recognizing stroke symptoms (FACT)

The first step is to recognize stroke symptoms as quickly as possible. Remember the acronym "FAST" for common stroke symptoms:

  • Face drooping: One side of the face droops or is numb
  • Arm weakness: One arm becomes weak or numb
  • Speech difficulties: Speech is slurred or difficult to understand
  • Time to call emergency services: Call emergency services immediately

Contact emergency services

Dial emergency number 112 and provide clear and accurate information about the location and condition of the patient. Alternatively, take the patient to the nearest hospital for immediate care.

Positioning the patient correctly

If the patient is unconscious but breathing, place them on their side to avoid choking. Also, ensure that the airway remains clear.

For conscious patients, position them in a comfortable sitting position with their heads slightly elevated. Do not give them food or drink, even if they are conscious, as they may have difficulty swallowing and are at risk of choking.


Raising awareness and understanding stroke symptoms and the golden period is vital. With knowledge and proper first aid, stroke complications can be avoided, and patient outcomes can be improved.

Have other questions related to stroke? You can make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Senin, 5 Agustus 2024 | 10:15