Crying while sleeping is a common phenomenon in babies and children, but adults can experience it too. Waking up crying can be unsettling and uncomfortable. What causes this condition, and how can it be managed? Let’s explore the possible reasons and solutions.
Causes of Crying While Sleeping
The reasons for crying during sleep vary depending on age. For instance, babies cry due to transitions between sleep stages, while adults may cry due to stress or trauma.
In elderly individuals, dementia or emotional changes might be the culprit.
Here are some common causes:
Sleep Stage Transition
Babies and adults experience different durations of sleep stages. Babies spend more time in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage, or light sleep. During this phase, they may cry as they adapt to the transition between deep and light sleep. This adjustment can upset them, causing brief crying episodes before they return to sleep.
Nightmares can occur at any age and are a frequent cause of waking up crying. Intense nightmares can leave individuals feeling scared, anxious, or shocked upon waking. While the exact cause of nightmares remains unclear, experts suggest they may result from unresolved emotions and stress.
Night Terror
Night terrors are more severe than nightmares and are typically experienced by children. These episodes can cause crying, screaming, and intense fear. Unlike nightmares, individuals experiencing night terrors may not remember the events clearly. Episodes usually last from 30 seconds to several minutes.
Although night terrors seem distressing, they are not harmful and often resolve on their own without intervention.
Repressed Emotions
Traumatic experiences can lead some individuals to suppress their emotions during the day, only for these feelings to surface at night. Repressed emotions may cause sleep disturbances, including waking up crying. If this happens frequently and is accompanied by feelings of emptiness or restlessness, consulting a psychiatrist is recommended for proper treatment.
Parasomnia is a sleep disorder in which individuals may cry, talk, or walk while asleep. Those experiencing parasomnia appear awake to others but are actually unconscious.
This condition can be triggered by stress, anxiety, or changes in sleep habits. In some cases, parasomnia can pose risks to the individual or others due to a lack of awareness of the surrounding environment.
Dementia often disrupts sleep patterns, causing issues such as insomnia, excessive daytime sleep, irritability, and frequent waking at night. In some cases, it may also result in crying during sleep.
Medical Conditions
Crying during sleep isn’t always linked to emotional or mental health issues. Certain medical conditions, such as allergies, conjunctivitis, or blocked tear ducts, can cause watery eyes or crying-like symptoms upon waking.
Crying while sleeping often resolves on its own. However, if this condition occurs frequently and disrupts your daily life, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional. For easy access to medical advice, you can use the consultation feature in the Ai Care application, available on the App Store and Play Store.
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- dr Nadia Opmalina
Chan, K. (2022).Why Do I Cry in My Sleep?. Available from:
WebMD Editorial Contributors. (2024). Night Terrors Symptoms. Available from:
Roland, J. (2019). What Causes Adults and Children to Wake Up Crying?. Available from:
Cleveland Clinic. Parasomnias & Disruptive Sleep Disorders. Available from: