Pengobatan Rumahan untuk Meredakan Gejala Pneumonia

Pengobatan Rumahan untuk Meredakan Gejala Pneumonia
Ilustrasi batuk pada pneumonia. Credit: Freepik

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Pneumonia is an infection that affects the lungs. This infection results in the accumulation of fluid or mucus in the air sacs of the lungs, which leads to a fever, chills, coughing, and breathing difficulties. The treatment of pneumonia is dependent on the symptoms and underlying causes. Antibiotics may be given by the doctor if the condition is caused by bacteria. Additionally, it is possible to relieve pneumonia symptoms through the use of home remedies.


Simple home remedies for pneumonia

While home remedies might provide relief for pneumonia symptoms, it is important to note that medication is still necessary to treat the infection effectively. Although there are no effective home or traditional treatments for pneumonia, this therapy can help relieve the symptoms you are currently experiencing.

For effective home remedies, adapt them to the symptoms that manifest. Here are a few home remedies that may help the symptoms of pneumonia:

Home remedies to relieve cough

Coughing is a symptom commonly observed in people with pneumonia. Coughing can happen within the initial 24 hours, a few days later, or even several months after infection in those with pneumonia.

To relieve coughing, you can try the following treatment:

  • Gargle with salty water. Mix half or one-fourth scoop of table salt with warm water, then gargle it down your throat. Gargle 1-3 times daily until the cough calms down.
  • Drink peppermint tea. Peppermint is effective in the removal of mucus and the relief of irritation. The research results indicate that mint can be a potent pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and decongestant. Packaged peppermint tea is available at your local supermarket. Alternatively, you can make your peppermint tea if you have fresh peppermint leaves.

Read more: Getting To Know Broncopneumonia, Lung Infection In Respiratory Channels

Home remedies to relieve shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is another symptom of pneumonia. Your breathing may feel heavy and short even when you're not working out hard. Some of the following treatments can help if you have a slight shortness of breath:

  • Inhale the hot steam. Prepare a basin or container with warm or hot water; then inhale deeply to ease breathing. You may also add peppermint oil to help broaden the respiratory tract.
  • Consume coffee or tea. Consuming drinks containing caffeine, such as warm tea or coffee, may relieve symptoms of shortness of breath.
  • Take a rest

If you experience extreme difficulty breathing, it is important that you immediately seek medical care

Read more: Not Only Fever, These Are Symptoms Of Pneumonia In China That You Need To Know

Home remedies to relieve chest pain

Pneumonia may also result in chest pain. The typical duration of chest pain is four days or longer. Warm ginger or turmeric tea is one home treatment for chest pain. Because of their natural anti-inflammatory characteristics, these two herbs may relieve respiratory tract inflammation.

After cutting it into thumb-sized pieces, simply boil turmeric or ginger in one liter of water. You can add turmeric and ginger to taste for a strong flavor. Add honey to improve the flavor.

Home remedies to relieve fever

Fever may also be an early sign of pneumonia, often accompanied by coughing and other related symptoms. It is recommended to take enough rest and apply a warm compress to relieve fever. In addition, increasing your body's fluid consumption by consuming warm drinks when experiencing a fever is important.


Is it possible to prevent pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a persistent infection characterized by symptoms that might persist for several months. You can prevent pneumonia by maintaining overall body health, washing your hands frequently with soap and flowing water, and receiving a pneumonia vaccination.


Typically, doctors prescribe medication to relieve the symptoms of pneumonia. You may help in relieving symptoms by applying home remedies. If you have any inquiries regarding pneumonia, you can visit a doctor or use the consultation features available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr. Alvidiani Agustina Damanik
Last Updated : Rabu, 3 Juli 2024 | 06:10