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Not With Garlic, This Is Treatment To Overcome Bintian

Not With Garlic, This Is Treatment To Overcome Bintian

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Have you ever experienced a boil-like bump in the temple area? These lumps are known as bintian or hordeolum. Bintitian can appear on the inner and outer eyeLId lines. Check out the following article to find out the exact cause and treatment for bintian. 


What's Bintian?

Bintitan is a red bump similar to acne or boil that feels pain on the edge of the temple. Bintitan is formed when the oil-producing glands in the follicles of eyelashes or limp skin are clogged and bacterial infections occur. Bintitian usually only occurs on one temple, but bintitian can also occur on the two eyelids simultaneously. 

Based on the location of the formation, there are two types of bintian, namely:

  • External Bintian: Bintitan formed on the outside of the upper or lower temples, is usually caused by infection in the follicles of eyelashes.
  • Internal Bintian: Bintitan formed in one of the inner temples (against the eye). This type is caused by an infection in the glands of the inner temples which produces oil which helps keep the temples moist.

Also read: This Is An Effective Way To Prevent Bintitian

Image 1: Bintian (Hordeolum). Source: Dermnetnz


Cause Of Bintitan

Bintitan is caused by bacterial infection in oil-producing glands in the temples. These bacteria clog oil glands on the eyelids and cause inflammation. In general, bintitan is not contagious, but a number of bacteria can spread from the bintian. Therefore, it is better to avoid checking your eyes with dirty hands and always wash your hands before and after touching the eye area.

Some of the risk factors that trigger the occurrence of bintian include:

  • Have experienced bintian before
  • Experiencing blefaritis (klobbles)
  • Experiencing certain skin conditions, such as acne, rosacea, or ketombe (sertomatic seboroik)
  • Having diabetes
  • Having dry skin
  • Experiencing hormonal changes

Also read: This Is The Cause Of Bintitan's Eyes, Not Because Of A Peek!


Bintitan Treatment

Bintitan umumnya akan sembuh dengan sendirinya selama 7-10 hari. Jika bintian Anda tidak kunjung membaik selama lebih dari 14 hari sebaiknya segera dikankan ke dokter.

One traditional treatment for dealing with bintian is to apply garlic pieces to the bintian area. But experts don't recommend this method because it can trigger irritation and make bacterial infection even worse. 

Some ways you can treat bintian include: 

Taking pain relievers

Bintitan causes pain in the eyes and pain when it is touched. To relieve it, you can take pain relievers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.


Doctors can prescribe antibiotics in the form of eye drops or antibiotic exhausts to be applied to the bintian area. If the use of outside antibiotics is not effective in dealing with bintian, doctors can also prescribe drinking antibiotic drugs to speed up healing.

Compress warm water

Put the warm waslap on your eyelids and keep it quiet for 10-15 minutes, three to five times a day. Warm up the wash again by soaking it in warm water, squeeze, and repeat. Do it until the bintitan recovers slowly. 

Compress the tea bag

In addition to compressing with warm water, you can also take advantage of the compress of tea bags that have been kept quiet until they are cold. How, take 1 bag of black tea or green tea, brew with cooked water such as making tea. Let tea absorb for 1 minute, lift and cool. Once cold enough for an eye compress, leave it in the eye for 5-10 minutes. The antioxiandt content in tea helps relieve inflammation in the bintian. 

Avoid using make up and contact lens

During training, it is better to avoid using makeup in the eye area to prevent inflammation from getting worse and prevent the movement of bacteria from the eyes to your makeup device. Likewise with contact lenses. During training, you should use glasses until the body is completely cured.


Bintitan is generally mild and does not require special treatment. If you experience symptoms of bintitan, you should do home treatment above or immediately check with a doctor. You can also take advantage of the consultation feature on the Ai Care application which can be downloaded through App Store dan Play Store


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Wednesday, 28 August 2024 | 08:25