Bahaya Overwork, Bekerja Terlalu Berlebihan bagi Kesehatan

Bahaya Overwork, Bekerja Terlalu Berlebihan bagi Kesehatan
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Work is not just a means of survival; it's a pathway to self-fulfillment and realizing one's potential. However, there are instances where individuals are forced to extend their working hours beyond reasonable limits, often at the expense of their health. This imbalance not only undermines personal well-being but also erodes the very foundation of productivity and progress. We must recognize the detrimental effects of overwork and advocate for healthier, more sustainable work practices prioritizing productivity and individual well-being.


Indications that you're encountering excessive workload.

Have you ever overworked yourself at work? Overwork is when you work more than your body can handle and put in excessive hours. Overwork can lead to several health issues if it becomes a habit.

Regretfully, there are instances when people ignore their overwork warning indicators. Here are a few signs that you may be overworking yourself:

  • There is no time for other activities outside of work
  • You start to stop taking care of yourself and not focus on your mental health
  • Feeling frequent back or neck pain
  • Experiencing muscle cramps
  • Feel anxious and worried easily, especially about work-related matters
  • Feeling very tired, stressed, or lonely

Read more: Tips On Managing Stress To Stay At Home In The Workplace 


Health risks of working too much

How do you feel after working long hours consistently? Overworking can lead to more than just fatigue; it can also increase the risk of physical, mental, and social problems. Some potential hazards of overwork include:

Being less productive than before

Working too long is often seen as a symbol of productivity. Overwork can reduce productivity. Excessive work will tire you, so you are not optimal in completing a job compared to working when you are in top condition. You can take short breaks between work times to avoid overworking.

Read more: Is It Really Happy To Delay Work Including Mental Health Problems?

Sleep Deprivation

One of the side effects of overworking is lack of sleep. Even though it sounds trivial, good-quality sleep can improve physical and mental health. In the long term, lack of sleep can reduce your ability to solve problems, increase stress, and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart problems, high blood pressure, and obesity. Lack of sleep can also trigger depression and a decrease in the immune system.

Inconsistent or irregular eating patterns

Overwork can also leave you without time to cook healthier meals yourself. Apart from that, don't underestimate irregular meal times. You might think that postponing your meal schedule will only result in feelings of hunger. However, an irregular eating schedule can trigger other health problems, such as stomach ulcers and decreased blood sugar levels.

Irregular eating can also trigger overeating habits and a tendency to eat unhealthy foods such as junk or fast food. This can trigger obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.


Not prioritizing physical activity like exercise

Overworking can make you neglect your exercise schedule. However, regular daily exercise is needed to maintain health and fitness. Lack of exercise can also increase the risk of metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

To overcome this, exercise 25-30 minutes daily at the office. If your home and office are close enough, you can exercise or walk to the office to increase physical activity. If it is not possible to exercise, you can do light stretching. Regular exercise can reduce the risk of depression, improve blood circulation, and minimize the risk of diabetes and obesity.


Experiencing difficulties in social connections

Not only physical and mental problems, overwork also causes you to lose time to socialize with your family and those closest to you. The lack of harmony in your social relationships with friends causes you to be prone to depression, loneliness, and other social problems.

Overwork affects not only physical but also mental health conditions. If you experience overwork, reevaluate your working hours and how to work effectively to complete your tasks. If you need consultation regarding the side effects of overwork, you can consult a doctor or use the Ai Care application based on artificial intelligence.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Hanifa Rahma
Last Updated : Rabu, 28 Februari 2024 | 04:55