Latihan Otak untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengingat

Latihan Otak untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengingat
Ilustrasi latihan otak. Credits: Freepik

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As we age, changes occur in all parts of the body, including the brain. Changes in all aspects of the body, including the brain, occur as we age. Consequently, you may not be able to recall information as quickly or as accurately as you once could.

This is a natural aspect of the aging process. Nevertheless, there are several ways you can try to enhance and preserve your memory abilities as you age, including brain exercise.


What are the best brain exercises for memory improvement?

Brain exercise can help improve and maintain cognitive abilities, including daily memories. Here are some suggested brain exercises:


Several studies reveal different beneficial effects of meditation on the brain in various respects. Meditating can help the brain process knowledge better and slow down the aging process.

Playing games

Playing some games, including card games, sudoku, puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, scrabble, monopoly, and chess, may be an enjoyable hobby and help to improve cognitive skills, including memory, concentration, and problem solving ability.

Adults who play games like cards or board games on a regular basis are less likely to develop cognitive impairments like dementia, according to research.

Read more: How To Improve Memory So You Don't Forget

Learning new skills

Learning new skills stimulates the brain in a different way and enhances brain capacity. Learning a foreign language, a musical instrument, photography, knitting, cooking, dance, or yoga is among several new skills to pick up. Online classes on interesting topics will help you additionally improve your abilities.

Regular exercise

Regular exercise, particularly at moderate intensity, may improve memory within a relatively brief period of time, about six months. Furthermore, exercise can offer several benefits for overall health, including a lower risk of chronic disease, the enhancement of sleep quality, the management of weight, the strengthening of muscles and bones, and an increase in energy.

Moderate-intensity exercises include:

  • Walk fast for 30 minutes
  • Medium-speed cycling
  • Swimming
  • Aerobic exercise
  • Yoga or Pilates

Read more: Not Old But Easy To Forget, This Is The Cause


Socializing is a pleasurable activity that also helps to maintain cognitive function. Spending time with friends and family may help stimulate the brain and avoid cognitive impairment.


In addition to the various forms of physical activity recommended above, you should also be sure you get sufficient and high-quality sleep. Memory and sleep have a complicated interaction with one another and mutually influence each other. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has stated that adequate sleep is essential for the gathering of memories and the processing of new information.

Your brain continuously processes the new information that you gain during the day while you are asleep. This strengthens and organizes memories, making them easier to access in the morning.


If you experience issues with memory and frequently fail to recall basic everyday information, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


Looking for more tips and tricks for health, first aid, and home remedies? Click here!

Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Kamis, 11 Juli 2024 | 08:56