Perdarahan Subkonjungtiva

Perdarahan Subkonjungtiva

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Subconjunctive bleeding is the condition of the red eye caused by the rupture of the eye blood vessels. Although it looks worrying, subconjunctive bleeding generally does not cause further harm.

Conjuntiva is a clear layer that coats the white part of the eyes (sklera) and the inner side of the eye. This layer has many blood vessels to provide nutrients to the concerns. The bleeding caused by the rupture of the blood vessels is called subconjunctivation bleeding. This blood is not in the cinema, which is a layer that plays an important role in the viewing process, so it will not cause the eye to escape. Subconjunctive bleeding can be analogized like bruises on the skin. Conjunctiveness cannot absorb the blood quickly, so subconjunctive bleeding can settle for several days. 



Subconjunctivation bleeding can be caused by:

  • Checking eyes is too strong
  • Strong cough or clean
  • Hawking strongly
  • Vomiting
  • Operation
  • Using a contact lens
  • Consumption of blood dilution drugs (aspirin, warfarin) or cancer drug (interferon)
  • Heavy activities such as lifting weights
  • Black trauma to the eyes


Risk Factors

Some diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, lung disease that causes continuous cough (TB, PPOK) and blood clotting diseases can increase the risk of subconjunctive bleeding. Subconjunctive bleeding can occur at all ages but is more common in older patients.



Generally you will not realize that you experience subconjunctive bleeding until you reflect because there are no specific symptoms, such as runny eyes, pain, and itching. You can see red spots on the white eye (sklera) that are not accompanied by decreased vision, blurred eyes, and fluid in the eyes. 



Diagnosis can be enforced by a doctor by asking questions about your condition, the condition before you realize the bleeding, the drugs you are consuming, the blurred views, the drugs you are consuming, and whether you have just experienced blunt eye trauma, such as hitting, hitting, or being hit, or being hit. The doctor will also check your blood pressure. The doctor will use the doctor slit lamp to see your eyes closely. You can also undergo a blood test if your doctor suspects a blood disorder.


Laksana Procedure

Subconjunctive bleeding can disappear by itself within 2 weeks. If you feel pain or swollen eyes, you can compress your eyes with a cold compress and use artificial tears (artificial tears). If the condition of subconjunctive bleeding is caused by other diseases, for example high blood pressure and repeated coughs, then your doctor will provide medicine to treat these other diseases.



Generally, subconjunctivation bleeding does not cause further complications. In parents, subconjunctive bleeding can indicate that other vascular diseases are more dangerous.



The steps you can take to avoid experiencing subconjunctive bleeding are:

  • If you want to check your eyes, then do it slowly
  • Disinfection and maintaining regular contact lenses
  • Use eye protection while exercising to prevent eye trauma
  • Do regular treatment for other diseases that are being suffered


When do you have to go to a doctor?

If you experience subconjunctive bleeding more than twice a year, not improving in 2 weeks, accompanied by gum bleeding and airing, you can self-examination to the nearest health facility. If you experience subconjunctivation bleeding after experiencing blunt trauma (examples, hit the ball, hit the head, crash, accident) with/without blurred vision, double view, sudden dark view, severe pain, watery eyes, swollen eyes, blood collection on the eyes immediately goes to the doctor because this is a sign of a heavier condition, namely the hypome.


Want to know more about other diseases? Check here, yes! 



Writer : Tannia Sembiring S Ked
Editor :
  • dr Anita Larasati Priyono
Last Updated : Minggu, 16 April 2023 | 10:03