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Returning To School, This Is A Way To Prevent Children From Getting Sick Easily

Returning To School, This Is A Way To Prevent Children From Getting Sick Easily

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Entering the new school year is a time that many children and parents have been waiting for. However, by returning to school, children are often exposed to various germs and viruses that can cause disease, such as colds, flu, Covid-19 or other diseases.

Children often interact directly with their friends, which can increase the risk of spreading infection. Activities such as sharing food, playing, or even shaking hands can be a way of spreading the virus. Know how to prevent children from getting sick easily after returning to school.


How To Prevent Sick Children

There are several steps that can be taken to prevent children from getting sick easily when they return to school, including:

Keeping your hands clean

One of the most effective ways to prevent disease is to maintain hand hygiene. Teach children to wash their hands with soap and clean water regularly, especially before eating and after using toilets. If soap and water are not available, use them hand sanitizer containing alcohol.

Make sure to get immunizations

Make sure the child gets the necessary vaccination according to the immunization schedule. Vaccination can help protect children from infectious diseases that are common in schools such as flu,employment, Singapore and rubella flu.

Healthy diet

A healthy diet is very important to maintain the health of children and support their immune system, especially when they return to school and are exposed to various germs. Provide children with nutritious foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C and zinc that can improve the immune system.

Also read: Get To Know The Difference Between Flu And Colds From Symptoms

Sufficient hydration

Water is very important to maintain the health of the body and support the function of the immune system. Provide sufficient drinking water, and teach children to drink enough water throughout the day, especially after physical activities.

Keeping clean

Teach children not to share personal items such as drinking bottles, towels, and stationery with their friends. Always clean and disinfect school items regularly to reduce the risk of germs spreading.

Physical activity and exercise

Invite children to exercise regularly. Choose physical activities that suit children's interests, such as cycling, swimming, playing football, or dancing. Children tend to be more motivated to exercise if they enjoy these activities.

Regular physical activity can improve heart health, muscle strength, and immune system. With regular physical activity, children also have better stamina.

Also read: Can I Give Medicine When A Baby Is Cold?

Stay at home when sick

If your child is sick, especially with infectious symptoms such as fever, cough, or runny nose, you should not go to school. This not only helps children rest and recover better but also prevents the spread of disease to other children.

Providing health education

Teach children about the importance of maintaining cleanliness and a healthy lifestyle. Their education about how to prevent germs from spreading and why it is important to the health of them and their friends.

Use a simple language to explain that germs and viruses can cause disease and that maintaining cleanliness can help prevent infection. You can use an educational book or video designed for children.


Cough and runny nose may be common diseases, especially during flu or weather changes. However, there are times when these symptoms require further medical attention.

Bring children to the doctor if you have a fever above 38 degrees which lasts more than 24 hours or fever does not drop after taking a fever reduction drug, experiencing symptoms of a cold that does not improve after 10 days, having difficulty breathing, the child looks very weak and lazy to move.

Have other questions related to the problem of cough and runny nose in children? Take advantage of Ai Care's health consultation services that can be downloaded in App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Friday, 19 July 2024 | 05:58