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Simple Steps to Stop Children's Thumb Sucking Habits

Simple Steps to Stop Children's Thumb Sucking Habits

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Most babies develop a thumb-sucking habit that lasts into childhood. This behavior might delay the development of teeth and jaw bones, even though it is not dangerous. How can babies and kids quit thumb sucking? View the article below.


What are the causes of sucking thumbs in children?

It is possible that you are curious as to why babies and children enjoy sucking their thumbs. Thumb sucking is a habit that can develop during pregnancy, specifically at the conclusion of the second trimester or the beginning of the third trimester.

Babies enjoy sucking their thumbs because it can induce a sense of peace and relieve tension, anxiety, and sadness. When they reach the toddler years, the majority of babies are able to quit sucking their thumbs. But for other babies, this pattern may continue all the way up until they're five years old.

This condition may result in asymmetrical growth of the upper front teeth, a lisp, and buck teeth if this habit persists until elementary school age. If your child is experiencing trouble stopping the thumb sucking habit, it is recommended that you consult with a doctor to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.


The most effective ways to stop your child's thumb-sucking habits

It is possible for parents to stop their children's thumb sucking habits as early as possible. Here are a few examples of possible approaches:

Restrict thumb sucking

If your child shows signs of liking to thumb-suck, you shouldn't stop them right away or tell them they can't do it. Because this is against the rules, it will make the child feel traumatized and make it even harder for them to stop this behavior.

You should try not to get angry with your child when he starts sucking his thumb. Let your child suck their thumb, but only at home or before bed.

Discuss with your child that he cannot suck his thumb in public or outside the house. This approach enables children to slowly discontinue this behavior.


Describe the negative effects of thumb sucking

Children who thumb suck have adverse effects, including slurred speech or loose teeth, which indicates they require extra treatment to fix their teeth position. If the thumb sucking practice continues, it may change the alignment of the teeth, which might cause the child to have trouble biting or develop a lack of confidence about his teeth.


Observe your child's habits

Watch for the child sucking his thumb. Does he only do it before bed, when anxious or terrified, or whenever for no reason?

If he does it before bed, you may recommend alternative approaches to help him relax, including drinking warm milk or reading a book before bed. If your child sucks their thumb in response to nervousness, you can teach them methods that include breathing exercises or refocusing their attention on other objects to help them relax.


Give reward

If necessary, you may offer your children a reward if they are able to stop the habit of sucking their thumbs within a specified time frame. Applaud your child's progress in quitting the habit. The reward may help kids quit sucking their thumbs quickly.


Remember that trying to stop kids from sucking their thumbs takes time and effort. Help children gradually quit this habit. If you need advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.

Looking for more information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the health of women and children? Click here!

Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Tuesday, 4 June 2024 | 09:59