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  • Rutin Minum Jus Nanas, Bagaimana Manfaat dan Efek Sampingnya?

Rutin Minum Jus Nanas, Bagaimana Manfaat dan Efek Sampingnya?

Rutin Minum Jus Nanas, Bagaimana Manfaat dan Efek Sampingnya?
Ilustrasi jus nanas. Credit: Freepik

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Pineapples are frequently consumed as drinks or desserts because of their sweet, sticky, and refreshing flavor. In addition to being consumed fresh, pineapple can also be consumed as juice.

It has been reported that drinking pineapple juice every day has a number of health benefits. Check out the following article to learn about the benefits and drawbacks of drinking pineapple juice.


The nutritional facts of pineapple juice

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is now available in various regions of the world. Pineapple is a fruit high in vitamins and minerals, as well as the enzyme bromelain, which has been considered to offer health benefits over time.

A cup of pineapple juice contains the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 132
  • Protein: < 1 gram
  • Fat: < 1 gram
  • Carbohydrates: 33 grams
  • Sugar: 25 grams
  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Manganese: 55% of daily value
  • Copper: 19% of daily value
  • Vitamin B6: 15% of daily value
  • Vitamin C: 100% of daily value

Pineapple juice is high in manganese, copper, and vitamins B6 and C. These nutrients improve bone health, immunity, wound healing, energy production, and tissue regeneration.

Read more: Lidah Gatal Setelah Makan Nanas? Ini Penyebabnya


Surprising health benefits of pineapple juice

Strengthen immune system

According to a Philippine study, consuming pineapple on a regular basis can improve immunity. According to research on school-aged children, children who consume pineapple on a daily basis had fewer bacterial and viral infections than children who do not consume pineapple. However, this is only a preliminary study, and more research is needed to determine the association between pineapple and the body's immunological response.

Relieves inflammation

Pineapples include the enzyme bromelain, which boosts the body's capacity to relieve pain and reduce swelling. This enzyme is used to treat inflammation and sports injuries, and it may help reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Preserves heart health

In addition to supporting healthy blood flow and lowering the risk of heart disease, pineapple's bromelain has the ability to dissolve cholesterol deposits and blood clots in the blood vessels.

Maintain eye health

Pineapple juice contains vitamin C and antioxidants, which are beneficial to eye health and lower the risk of eyesight loss. Aside from vitamin C, pineapple juice contains beta-carotene and vitamin A, all of which lower the risk of macular degeneration, an age-related disorder that causes visual problems.

Reduces digestive problems

Pineapple juice's enzymes help break down proteins in the intestines, which can help relieve constipation, gas, and bloating. Bromelain also has antibacterial characteristics, which can protect the intestines from diarrhea-causing bacteria like E. coli while also reducing intestinal inflammation.

However, further research is needed to determine the benefits of pineapple juice for digestion because it may cause gastrointestinal issues in certain people.

Read more: Eating Pineapple While Pregnant, Here Are The Benefits And Risks


Side effects of consuming pineapple juice

Although pineapple juice is generally safe to consume on a regular basis, its nutritional content may cause health problems in certain people. Some adverse effects that may result from drinking pineapple juice include:

  • Allergies: In some people, pineapple juice can cause an allergic reaction characterized by a rash, itching, or difficulty breathing.
  • Digestive problems: Pineapple's high vitamin C and bromelain content can cause nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, and acid reflux.
  • Poisoning: Drinking pineapple juice from an immature pineapple might result in severe diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Kidney problems: Pineapple juice is heavy in potassium, which can cause kidney problems if consumed in excess.
  • Tooth damage: Pineapple juice contains sugar and acid, which can damage tooth enamel and cause cavities.


Pineapple juice is a nutritious drink that you may consume regularly. Before preparing pineapple juice, make sure it's ripe and completely cleansed. If you have any concerns after drinking pineapple juice, you should stop drinking it and see a doctor.

If you're considering whether consuming pineapple juice is beneficial for your health, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Rabu, 28 Agustus 2024 | 07:29