Wortel Lebih Baik Dimakan Mentah atau Dimasak Dulu?

Wortel Lebih Baik Dimakan Mentah atau Dimasak Dulu?
Ilustrasi wortel mentah. Credits: Freepik

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Carrots are one of the vegetables that can be enjoyed raw and in ripe condition. It tastes sweet and the texture is crunchy. This orange vegetable is also known as a good source of nutrients, especially betacaroten which is transformed by the body into vitamin A.

However, there is debate about how to best eat carrots. Are carrots better eaten raw or cooked first, huh?


Benefits And Risks Of Consumption Of Crude Carrots

Vegetables, including carrots, are often considered healthier to eat when raw. The process of warming food while cooking, is said to be able to damage nutrients in vegetables.

Here are some of the benefits of consuming raw carrots:

Complete nutritional content

Carrots contain high levels of vitamin C and enzymes. The heating process during cooking can reduce the content of vitamin C, because it is sensitive to heat.

Natural fiber

Raw Carrots contain higher fiber compared to cooked ones. Fiber is important for digestive health and helps maintain a longer feeling of saturation.

High water content

When eaten raw, carrots contain high water content, which helps maintain body hydration.

Also read: Consuming Brokoli Vegetables, What Are The Benefits For The Body?

Despite having positive benefits, consuming crude carrots is especially excessive, which carries certain health risks, including:

digestive problems

Raw Carrots contain quite high fiber. Although fiber is important for digestion, consuming too much can cause flatulence, gas, and even constipation.

Disorders of nutritional absorption

Excessive fiber can also interfere with the absorption of several important nutrients such as minerals, calcium, iron, and zinc. Fibers consumed overabundance can bind important minerals in the intestines and prevent optimal absorption.

Changes in skin tone

Eating too many carrots can lead to caroteneemia conditions, where the skin becomes yellowish or orange. This is caused by betacaroten in carrots, which are pigments that provide orange to carrots.

The risk of bacterial contamination or pesticides

Carrots that are eaten raw and not washed well can carry bacteria or pesticide residues that are harmful to the body. This can cause infection and food poisoning.


Benefits Of Consuming Cooked Carrots

On the other hand, consuming cooked carrots actually provides the same nutritional benefits as when eaten raw. Cooked Carrots have a softer texture so they are easily honed and digested by the body.

In addition, cooking carrots helps increase betacaroten availability. Heat from the cooking process breaks the walls of cells in carrots, which makes betacaroten more easily absorbed by the body. Betacaroten is important for the health of the eyes, skin, and immune system.

Also read: Fried Vegetables, Delicious But Dangerous


So, is carrots better eaten raw or cooked first? The answer depends on your nutritional goals and preferences. If you look for sources of vitamin C and fiber, raw carrots may be the best choice. However, if you want to maximize betacaroten intake, then cooking carrots will provide greater benefits.

To get balanced benefits, you can eat raw carrots and cook alternately. It is important to wash raw carrots well to avoid infection and poisoning.

Have questions about body nutrition? You can consult with our doctor through the Ai Care application that can be downloaded on App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Selasa, 20 Agustus 2024 | 08:29