Cara Alami Agar Pilek Cepat Sembuh

Cara Alami Agar Pilek Cepat Sembuh
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A cold is a common illness that affects the upper respiratory system, such as the nose, throat, sinuses and trachea. Colds can be caused by different types of viruses, one of the most common being the rhinovirus.

Cold viruses are easily transmitted through saliva droplets, coughing, sneezing, or direct contact with surfaces contaminated with the virus. When your body is weak, you can easily be exposed to the cold virus and get more frequent colds.


Natural Ways to Get Rid of Colds Quickly

Most colds generally clear up on their own within a few days to two weeks without any special treatment. However, colds can be very annoying and affect your daily activities. Here are some natural ways to speed up the healing of colds:

Adequate drinking water

Drinking enough water regularly is the best way to keep your body hydrated and helps dissolve mucus and keep the respiratory tract moist. This can speed up the recovery process when you have a cold.

Not only from drinking water, you can also keep your body hydrated by drinking fruit juices, warm clear broth, or lemon water with honey. It's best to avoid caffeinated and alcoholic drinks, which can have a diuretic effect and cause the body to lose a lot of fluid.

Gargle with salt water

Colds are usually accompanied by itching and sore throat. These symptoms can be relieved by gargling with salt water. It should be noted that gargling with salt water does not directly eliminate the virus that causes it. However, this method effectively helps reduce inflammation and discomfort in the throat.



Read more: Panduan Membeli Obat Over-the-Counter (Obat Bebas) untuk Pilek dan Flu



Take Vitamin C

Taking vitamin C does not prevent or cure colds. However, research shows that taking vitamin C during a cold helps to prevent the severity of the symptoms experienced.

When you have a cold you are advised to take 200 mg of vitamin C. Avoid taking excessive vitamin C, although this vitamin is water-soluble.

Take Zinc

Zinc supplements are often recommended to be taken when you have a cold. These supplements may not cure a cold, but research has found that zinc can shorten the duration of a cold.

Zinc is known to play an important role in maintaining the immune system and accelerating wound healing. It is important to remember that zinc should be consumed at the recommended dosage and not in excess. Taking excessive zinc in the long run can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and impaired nutrient absorption.

Nasal Irrigation

Nasal irrigation with saline can help relieve nasal congestion during a cold. This solution works by thinning mucus that may be clogging the nasal passages. Nasal irrigation can also relieve inflammation that may occur during a cold.



Read more: Penyebab Pilek Tidak Kunjung Sembuh



Get enough rest

Lack of sleep can compromise the immune system and increase the risk of catching a cold virus infection. When sleep deprived, the production of immune cells is reduced and the body is less able to fight off cold viruses. In addition, lack of sleep can also affect the body's inflammatory response by increasing inflammation in the body. For this reason, when you have a cold, you should fulfill your need for quality sleep and rest.


While it may go away without treatment, colds can also develop into more serious conditions. See your doctor if you have a fever, chest pain, ear pain, difficulty breathing or cold symptoms that do not improve for more than 10 days.

If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.

Looking for more tips and information regarding health, first aid, and other home remedies? Click here!



Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Senin, 1 April 2024 | 06:04