Mother wound is a word that refers to emotional wounds passed down from mother to child. This condition is frequently induced by bad parenting habits or trauma experienced by the mother.
Mother wounds can have a significant impact on the future, including feelings of low self-esteem, distrust of others, a need to satisfy other people's expectations, difficulty managing emotions, and mental health issues.
What is Mother Wound?
Mother wounds are relatively common and affect a large number of people. This phenomenon can be linked to traumatic experiences, unhealthful behavior patterns that are inherited from previous generations, or bad experiences.
Mother wounds can result from a number of factors, such as:
Emotional abuse
Deep wounds can result from mothers who frequently abuse their children emotionally by insulting them, giving them harsh criticism, or neglecting their emotional needs.
Lack of attention and affection
Children who receive inadequate attention and affection from their mothers may come to feel unloved and unworthy.
Read more: Getting To Know Separation Anxiety, When Babies Don't Want To Be Far From Their Mothers
Dominant or passive mother
A mother who is overly dominating or passive might disrupt the balance in the relationship, affecting the child's emotional development.
Traumatic experience
Mothers who have gone through an unfortunate event like domestic abuse or losing a loved one might not be able to give their kids the emotional care they require.
The Impact of Mother Wound on Mental Health
Mother's wounds may affect someone's life in the future. Depending on the type of emotional injury and the severity of the injury received, the impact could vary widely from minor to major.
Mother wounds generally have the following effects:
Low self-esteem
Children who have had mother wounds frequently have low self-esteem. They may not feel deserving of love or attention.
Problems in relationships
Emotional traumas from the mother may affect a person's capacity to create and maintain good relationships. They may be afraid of rejection or find it difficult to trust others.
Read more: Trauma Of Children Who Can Form An Angry Personal
Emotional instability
Mother wounds can result in a variety of emotional problems that affect a person's mental health. Those who have experienced a mother wound are more likely to develop depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), identity issues, and low self-esteem.
Extreme behavior
As a result of the emotional stress and wounds they experience from their moms, children who suffer from such situations often behave in extreme ways. Rebelling against authority and being overly submissive, or the other way around, are two extreme behaviors that frequently occur.
These severe behaviors frequently occur when children do not feel acknowledged, respected, or loved in the way that they require. Overly obedient children may sacrifice themselves in order to win affection and approval, whereas rebellious children may feel compelled to establish their independence and identity by rejecting authority that they regard as unfair or limiting.
Inappropriate habits
Following inappropriate habits can lead to difficult-to-break cycles that have an impact on future generations. This kind of behavior can make mental health issues more likely, cause interpersonal issues, and make it harder to control emotions.
Undoubtedly, healing from a mother's wounds is not easy. You must first accept that you have emotional scars from your mother. Without passing judgment on yourself, this insight might assist in validating sentiments. Next, see a physician or psychologist to discuss your issues and come up with constructive ways to address them. They can support you in controlling your feelings, accepting the past, and forgiving both your mother and yourself.
If you have any additional inquiries about mental health, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.
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- dr Nadia Opmalina