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  • Orang Tua Mengalami KDRT, Bagaimana Dampaknya pada Bayi dan Anak-Anak?

Orang Tua Mengalami KDRT, Bagaimana Dampaknya pada Bayi dan Anak-Anak?

Orang Tua Mengalami KDRT, Bagaimana Dampaknya pada Bayi dan Anak-Anak?
Ilustrasi anak yang mengalami KDRT. Credits: Freepik

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Domestic violence, also known as KDRT, is a severe issue that can affect anyone. Those who are married or have additional family members, such as children, might experience this violence. 

The psychological and emotional effects of parental domestic violence can have an impact on children's development and well-being, even if babies and children aren't always the primary targets of physical abuse. Learn about the effects on kids and babies and how important it is that they receive help.


The Effect of Domestic Violence on Babies

Babies are extremely sensitive to the emotional world around them, even though they do not yet understand what is happening to them. The following negative impacts that domestic abuse may result in on infants:

Irritable and frequently cry

Babies can feel their parents' tension and worry. This causes babies to become more irritable, scream frequently, and experience problems sleeping.

Domestic abuse can interrupt the bonding process between a baby and his or her parents. Parents who have experienced domestic abuse may struggle to provide the attention their babies require.

Emotional connection growth delayed

Domestic abuse can interrupt the bonding process between a baby and his or her parents. Parents who have experienced domestic abuse may struggle to provide the attention their babies require.

Physical health issues

A violent or stressful environment might harm a baby's physical health. Continuous stress may inhibit parents from providing enough food intake and basic health care.

Read more: Trauma Of Domestic Violence Can Causepy


The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

Older children begin to understand what is occurring to them. Domestic abuse typically has a more visible and complex consequence.

 The effects experienced are as follows:

Emotional and behavioral problems

Children who experience domestic abuse at home are more likely to struggle with emotional issues, including sadness, anxiety, and fear. They frequently behave aggressively, struggle to focus in class, and sometimes have issues with their peers.

Developmental disorders

Witnessing domestic violence can be traumatic for children's cognitive and social development. They may struggle with communication, learning, and self-esteem.

Read more: Signs Of Someone Maybe Experiencing Domestic Violence

Risk of future violence

Children raised in violent circumstances are more likely to become perpetrators or victims of violence as adults. They may see violence as a typical method to handle problems. This can also lead to continued violent behavior in adulthood.

Health problems

Violence can result in a number of health issues, such as headaches, stomachaches, and difficulty sleeping. Some children may self-harm to cope with their psychological pain.


It's important to acknowledge that domestic violence affects children as well as adults, given the negative impact it has on babies and children. For children to recover from their trauma, they require psychological treatment and counseling. This therapy can stop long-term psychological issues and help with the development of appropriate coping strategies.

If you have any further queries concerning problems with child development, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


Looking for more information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the health of women and children? Click here!

Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Jumat, 30 Agustus 2024 | 07:34