Pahami Zona Detak Jantung saat Latihan Kardio

Pahami Zona Detak Jantung saat Latihan Kardio
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Engaging in physical activity shouldn’t be done haphazardly. While exercise offers numerous advantages for heart health and circulation, experts advise aligning workouts with individual capabilities and intensity levels, particularly for cardio exercises.

One key strategy to optimize your cardio sessions is understanding your maximum heart rate and adjusting your workout according to the appropriate heart rate zone.


Determining Maximum Heart Rate During Exercise

By identifying your maximum heart rate, you can tailor the intensity of your workouts accordingly. The maximum heart rate refers to the highest number of beats per minute that your heart can achieve. This figure differs based on age.

Several methods can be used to determine your maximum heart rate:

  • Subtracting Age from 220

For instance, if you are 45 years old, your estimated maximum heart rate would be 220 - 45 = 175.

  • Tanaka Formula

The Tanaka formula calculates maximum heart rate by multiplying your age by 0.7 and subtracting the result from 208.

For example, if you are 45 years old, the formula is 208 - (45 × 0.7) = 176.5. Thus, your maximum heart rate falls between 175 and 176.5 beats per minute.


Determining Heart Rate Zones for Workouts

Training within specific heart rate zones provides various fitness benefits. These five zones are determined by the percentage range of your previously calculated maximum heart rate.

Each zone corresponds to a different level of energy expenditure, influencing how your body burns carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

The five heart rate zones are:


Very Light Zone: Below 57% of maximum heart rate

Engaging in this zone suggests minimal movement or very gentle activity.

This zone is typically entered during cooldowns after an intense session or when recovering from fatigue. Light activities such as leisurely walking or cycling on level ground are common in this phase.


Light Zone: 57%-63% of maximum heart rate

Workouts in this zone represent the lower spectrum of moderate-intensity exercise. A key indicator is the ability to maintain full conversations despite slightly heavier breathing.

Although this intensity level offers fewer cardiovascular benefits, it can help with fat loss, reducing blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol levels.


Moderate Zone: 64%-76% of maximum heart rate

This zone is the peak of moderate-intensity exercise. At this level, breathing becomes more labored, but short conversations are still manageable.

An example is brisk walking, where the body primarily utilizes 10% carbohydrates, 5% protein, and 85% fat as an energy source.


Strong Zone: 77%-95% of maximum heart rate

Commonly associated with endurance training, this zone enhances cardiovascular efficiency by stimulating the formation of new blood vessels and boosting heart and lung capacity.

Higher-intensity training in this range leads to greater calorie expenditure in a shorter time. Activities such as running, brisk walking, and cycling are frequently performed at this level.


Maximum Zone: 96%-100% of maximum heart rate

Exercising at this intensity significantly increases breathlessness and makes speaking difficult. Only highly trained and well-conditioned athletes should attempt this zone.

Workouts in this zone should only last a few minutes before transitioning to lower intensities, then gradually increasing again. Sustaining activity above this level could pose serious health risks.


So, which heart rate zone is right for you? The ideal choice depends on your fitness goals and overall condition. Adjust your workouts accordingly, and consult a medical professional before deciding on the duration and intensity of your exercise routine.

Additionally, you can seek expert guidance through the Ai Care application, available for download on the Play Store and App Store.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Minggu, 16 Maret 2025 | 15:01

Bumgardner, W. (2022). Heart Rate Zone Training for Cardio Exercise. Available from:

Cleveland Clinic. (2021). Exercise Heart Rate Zones Explained. Available from:

Mayo Clinic Staff. Exercise intensity: How to measure it. Available from:

Waehner, P. (2022). Everything You Need to Know About Cardio. Available from: