Tips Mencegah Tangan Kapalan Akibat Ripstix Pound Fit

Tips Mencegah Tangan Kapalan Akibat Ripstix Pound Fit
Ilustrasi kapalan. Credit: Freepik

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Pound Fit exercise has gained popularity in Indonesia as an engaging blend of dance and drumming that serves as an effective alternative to traditional cardio workouts. This exercise, which uses drumstick-like tools known as Ripstix, can enhance flexibility and reduce stress. However, frequent use of Ripstix can sometimes lead to calluses on the palms.


Causes of Calluses During Pound Fit Exercise

Introduced in 2011 by a former drummer and athlete, Pound Fit integrates yoga, pilates, and cardio into a single routine. Each session lasts 45 minutes and includes warm-up, core training, and cool-down phases. The use of Ripstix or drum stick-like tool during these workouts means your hands are constantly in contact with the tool. The friction between the Ripstix, sweat, and your skin can lead to abrasions and calluses.

According to the Mayo Clinic, calluses form as thick, hard layers of skin due to repeated friction. This protective layer develops to shield the underlying skin from irritation. Calluses can appear on various parts of the body, including the hands and feet, and while they are generally not harmful, they can cause discomfort and affect self-esteem.


Image 1: Calluses. Credit: Freepic


Preventing Calluses from Pound Fit Exercise

Calluses develop due to friction, pressure, or repeated skin irritation. On the feet, they often form on pressure points like the soles, while on the hands, they develop in areas that consistently rub against objects. The hardened layer of calluses is actually the body's way of protecting the skin underneath from irritation and pressure.

To prevent calluses from forming during Pound Fit, consider using sports gloves with the following features:

  • Size: Choose gloves that fit properly—neither too tight nor too loose.
  • Pads: Opt for gloves with padding or protectors to reduce pressure and friction.
  • Grip: Select gloves with a textured surface to enhance grip strength.
  • Material: Pick gloves made from sweat-wicking materials to keep your hands dry and cool. Durable materials like leather or high-quality synthetic fabrics are also recommended for easy maintenance.


Treatment of Calluses

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, you can manage calluses at home with these steps:

  • Soak calluses. Immerse them in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes to soften the skin.
  • Use a pumice stone, dipped in warm water, to gently file away the dead skin in a circular motion. Be careful not to file too aggressively to avoid bleeding and infection.
  • Apply a lotion or cream daily that contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ammonium lactate, or urea to gradually soften calluses.


While Pound Fit offers numerous health benefits, it can lead to calluses due to the intense friction from Ripstix. Using gloves during exercise can help prevent this issue.

For further advice on treating calluses, consult a dermatologist or use the health consultation feature available on the Ai Care app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Rabu, 4 September 2024 | 07:13