Kesalahan Pound Fit yang Bisa Menyebabkan Cedera

Kesalahan Pound Fit yang Bisa Menyebabkan Cedera
Ilustrasi olahraga pound fit. Credits: Freepik

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Pound fit is becoming more and more popular due to its ability to provide an enjoyable and engaging exercise experience while listening to energetic music. This exercise integrates Pilates, strength training, and dance movements to target a variety of muscle groups. It is not only enjoyable, but it also has the possibility to enhance muscle strength and eliminate calories.

Regularly performing Pound fit activities can also enhance flexibility, strength, and heart health. However, you should proceed with caution. An injury may result from improperly practicing the activities.


Tips for Injury-Free Pound Fit Workouts

Pound fit looks simple to follow, but there are numerous common pitfalls that could cause injury. Here are some mistakes you should not make:

Improper posture

Improper posture is a primary factor contributing to injuries in Pound fit. When performing specific activities, a lot of people have a tendency to bend or straighten their legs to an excessive level.

Incorrect posture can stress the lower back and knees, causing pain and injury. Keep your posture upright, shoulders relaxed, and knees slightly bent when practicing. Remember to use your abdominal muscles to stay stable during the exercise.

Inadequate warming up session

Warming up is an essential part of every athletic workout, including Pound fit. Regrettably, there are people who frequently forget to engage in a warm-up routine or fail to properly warm up.

The purpose of warming up is to enhance blood circulation and prepare the muscles for active Pound fit movements. Without an adequate warm-up, muscles are more susceptible to injuries, including sprains and cramping. Consequently, before beginning a Pound fit session, perform a warm-up that involves dynamic stretching and gentle movements.

Read more: Is Pound Fit Sports Safe For Heart Disease Patients?

Incorrect technique of holding Ripstix

Pound fit sports require a specialized tool known as Ripstix. This object looks like a drum stick.  This instrument is advantageous for improving the intensity of training.

Injuries to the wrist or elbow might occur while using Ripstix incorrectly. Overly tight or loose gripping the Ripstix or using the incorrect hand position, can put unnecessary strain on the joints and lead to injury.

Keep your wrist in a neutral position and grip the Ripstix appropriately to avoid injury. Direct your power toward the motions of your arms rather than your grip.

Read more: Not Only Making Langsing, This Is The Benefit Of Pound Fit Sports For The Body

Overly ambitious training intensity

In training, some people, particularly newcomers, tend to be overly ambitious and extreme. Overexertion might cause injuries to muscles and joints that aren't trained to Pound fit movements.

Including Pound fit, all workouts should begin at low intensity. Then, raise it as your body's flexibility and power increase.


Pound fit is an activity that, when performed properly, can be both enjoyable and healthy. Remember to avoid injury-causing faults. Follow the instructor's techniques and listen to your body. If you feel tired, do not hesitate to quit exercising.

If you have inquiries regarding body fitness concerns, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


Looking for more tips and tricks for health, first aid, and home remiedies? Click here!

Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Kamis, 1 Agustus 2024 | 05:32