Minuman yang Dapat Membantu Tidur Lebih Nyenyak

Minuman yang Dapat Membantu Tidur Lebih Nyenyak
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Recognize the important link between sleep quality and overall health. Adequate sleep improves mood and makes one feel refreshed and better able to concentrate throughout the day. If you have trouble falling asleep, consider incorporating certain drinks into your routine to promote a more restful and refreshing sleep experience. Explore these sleep-friendly drinks to improve the quality of your night's rest and enhance your daily activities.


Drinks that can improve nighttime rest

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is known to have a calming effect. A study shows that the calming effect of chamomile tea comes from the flavonoids contained in it. Chamomile tea also contains flavonoids that bind to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain, which have a sedative effect.

A study on the elderly showed that consuming chamomile tea can improve sleep quality. The study revealed that elderly people who consumed 400 mg of chamomile extract for 28 consecutive days could improve their sleep quality.

Some people have allergies to chamomile, but the FDA includes chamomile tea on the list of beverage ingredients that are safe for consumption. Peppermint tea can be an option besides herbal teas other than chamomile tea.

Read more: Insomnia Is Not Just Difficult To Sleep, Recognize The Signs

Cherry juice

Cherry juice is a drink rich in melatonin, a natural sleep-inducing hormone present in the body. A small study on adults over 50 revealed that respondents who drank cherry juice twice daily for two weeks could sleep better than those who drank a placebo.

Apart from processing them into juice, you can add fresh cherries to your drinks for a fresher effect.

Warm Milk

Drinking warm milk before bed is believed to help you sleep better. Milk contains tryptophan amino acids that can help sleep better. A study reveals that a diet containing milk and dairy products can improve sleep quality, although the best time to drink milk is not mentioned to make you sleep better.

Also read: Benefits of Sleep Using Eye Closures (Sleeping Mask)

Almond Milk

Besides warm milk, you can also consume almond milk as a bedtime drink. Almond milk is a drink rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals and has a savory taste.

Almonds contain tryptophan and magnesium, which can help you sleep well. More research is needed on the benefits of magnesium for improving sleep quality, but some studies support these results. Almond milk can be an alternative for those allergic to cow's milk, but it is not recommended for those with nut allergies.

Golden Milk

Golden milk is a turmeric latte or a traditional Indian turmeric spice drink. It is called golden milk because this turmeric drink is golden orange. Turmeric is rich in curcumin compounds that can alleviate some of the effects of sleep deprivation, reduce inflammation, and treat symptoms of anxiety and depression.


In addition to the above, you can drink water to fulfill your body's fluid needs. Researchers found that less-hydrated people had shorter sleep times than the well-hydrated group. 

Aside from knowing some drinks that can help you sleep well, you also need to know some drinks that can interfere with sleep. Some drinks that should be avoided include alcohol, caffeine-containing drinks, and soft drinks. 

If you have a sleep disorder, you should consult a doctor. Your doctor may recommend some therapies or lifestyle changes that can solve your problem. If you have any health-related questions, you can also access the consultation feature available on the Ai Care app.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Jumat, 23 Februari 2024 | 08:56